I've used Aqua Mail on my Android devices for years. Now I have an iPhone 13/iOS 15 and would like to use Aqua Mail. I have not been able to set up my IMAP account, a university account that uses gmail's servers. Had no trouble doing this in the Android version, or with Apple Mail under iOS.
-- I launch Aqua Mail; it gives me buttons to select an account type.
-- I tap Other and get a sign-in page.
-- I enter name and password, and tap Add Account
-- I get an error message: "Sorry. We can't establish connection for current account. Please set it up manually."
-- I tap OK and get a page to enter server info.
-- I enter imap.gmail.com and smtp.gmail.com as usual for this univ. setup
-- I tap "Add Account"; I get a popup "Please wait, checking". It spins for a few seconds, then returns to the Manual setup page with no message or result of any kind.
Can anyone advise me on this? As I said, I've successfully set this account up under Aqua Mail/Android, and under Apple Mail/iOS.
Michael Feldman
Oakland, CA