Aqua Mail - Silver Award

Email app


The famous email app is

Now available on iOS

Get it now on App Store and benefit from new advanced features, that will be delivered regularly with the app’s upcoming versions at no additional cost.


Why do people love us?

“Best email app. available bar none. Should you have any questions, the support team is quick to respond. Great support and a great app.“

Marty Smith

Excellent application. Do not hesitate to take the pro version. Very responsive technical team.


“This is the best email app. Easy to use, infinitely customizable, simple and clear layout. I got sick of the layout Gmail forced on me so I use this instead. New emails are clear to find and it’s easy to read. “

Alistair Leckie

“The Best Mailing App Ever. Highly feature rich, smooth performance, nice response to network, excellent interface. Good Job Guys. Two Thumbs Up.”

Surajudeen Adeyemi

“Great app; definately worth the money. Multiple Accounts with easy access, end-to-end-encryption, customized folders and on top many small helpful functionalities” 


“Been using Aqua Mail for years now on different devices and it works perfectly. Never had issues with it. A single app for all email accounts and easy to use and organize.”

Sumit Nelson

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