I noticed a change in behavior today, that I think has been happening for a while. I don't know if this is caused by AquaMail or by some other program, but due to the circumstances surrounding my observation, it seems likely that AquaMail is the source.
First, some background. I ue two devices. A tablet and a phone. Tasker is installed on both. I am part of an on call rotation. I receive an email which notifies me whether I am going on call or going off call. When the email is received by AquaMail, it triggers Tasker to either enable or disable several other profiles that I use to alert me when an on call event occurs.
For some time, this event has not been triggering reliably on both devices. Today, I think I stumbled on why. My tablet got the email first, and correctly changed the state of the other profiles. The phone never reacted. When I checked the email, on the phone, it was already marked as having been read. The problem is that I did not read the email. The account being used is an imap account, so naturally another app or program on any device could have changed the state of the email. But I didn't open the email anywhere. The only thing that "opened" the email, as far as I know, was the AquaMail plugin on the tablet.
So, my question then, does the AquaMail plugin mark the email as having been read if it reacts to receiving it? I hope it does not. It certainly should not do so unless I want it to do so, and I was not able to find an option within the plugin for that purpose. Perhaps I overlooked it.
I receive all of my on call alerts via email, and they also trigger actions in Tasker using the AquaMail plugin. If this behavior is actually caused by AquaMail, that makes my entire setup unreliable. I could switch to using a pop account, which shouldn't exhibit the same problem, but I don't want to do that, as pop does not support push email. Ideally, AquaMail plugin should react to the new email on every device I have it setup on, and not change the state of the email.
I will eventually setup a test profile on both devices to try and replicate this condition, but I haven't had sufficient time to do that yet. I am hoping that this may turn out to be a bug that can be fixed.
Scott M.
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk