Author Topic: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play  (Read 11514 times)

Kostya Vasilyev

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+ On the compose screen, CC / BCC / Reply-To are again independent, e.g. Reply-To won't show just because you've got a CC from a "reply to all" or BCC to self enabled.

+ Exchange contact sync: still there.

Please see this older post for details:


+ На экране нпписания, поля CC / BCC / адрес ответа снова стали независимыми, например Reply-To не будет показано при "ответе всем" с адресами в CC или если установлено "BCC себе".

+ Синхронизация Контактов для Exchange: по прежнему присутствует, подробности есть вот здесь:
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 09:50:32 pm by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2017, 11:18:45 pm »
Re: Suggestion: smaller X at the right of CC field would be nicer than the current one. Please use an X with the same width of the chevron ^

We'll see.
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Hello, unfortunately I didn't see a reply/feedback to this sweet little issue - so here again it is:

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2017, 11:56:27 pm »
Hello, unfortunately I didn't see a reply/feedback to this sweet little issue - so here again it is:

Sorry I missed it.

Phone make / model / Android version? Device orientation (landscape?)

And one more thing, a custom DPI setting?
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 12:08:25 am »
Samsung s7 edge, no custom DPI setting
Portait and landscape

Yes I can see it on my S6 (not Edge).

How does Samsung manage to make bugs everywhere?

A possible workaround would be to completely remove the text portion ("New" etc) but although Samsung phones are popular, they're not the only ones out there.

It's nice to have a thinner space above the first line of message text (no space at all would be too aggressive)

Um, on the compose screen? Somewhere else? Are you talking about the change we made recently in smart folder?
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Hello, unfortunately I didn't see a reply/feedback to this sweet little issue - so here again it is:

Sorry I missed it.

Phone make / model / Android version? Device orientation (landscape?)

And one more thing, a custom DPI setting?

Samsung Tab S2 T813 - Android 6.0.1
Issue un device orientation both portrait and landscape.
No custom dpi setting

On Samsung S6 (Android 6.0.1) it occurs only in landscape.

In short:
Issue occurs, when "New" and account name are designed to appear not in 2 lines, but in the same line.


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I've been getting 'Incoming server login error - NO too many simultaneous connections. (failure)' since two weeks only for one out of 7 Gmail account. Is this related to Aquamail pls? If not how to fix it.  Error lasts for 3-5min when I turn data/wifi ON, then it's gone..... help pls

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uninstalled all the other mail apps, error is still there

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Did you see the FAQ for this problem?

Gmail and 'too many simultaneous connections'

This is a server-side limitation (counting all devices / mail apps, excluding the native GMail Android app).
Each folder in push mode requires its own connection. In addition, every time the device loses connectivity (which does happen with mobile devices), it takes the server a few minutes to notice and cross out the now dead connections.
To resolve – consider reducing the number of folders in push mode (e.g. Drafts, Deleted, etc.)
Since IMAP push is fairly expensive battery-wise, this will improve battery life as well.
If you’re only using 1-3 folders already, then the error might be caused by the phone’s unstable network connectivity.
Some manufacturers have an “energy saving” mode that disconnects the network when the screen switches off, that sort of thing. This will disconnect all current push connections as well.

This could happen with every mail app.


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Thx. The point is I have never had this problem before and nothing changed to my settings recently.

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« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 09:58:01 pm by qwerty1q »

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2017, 10:46:01 pm »
Re: Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk

Since it's a Huawei if it has Android 6, please check that Aqua Mail is still excluded from Doze Mode.

On my Huawei (a different model), this system level setting revers on its own.

Another thought is that your network / mobile operator could be now disconnecting idle connections more aggressively than they did before.
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Kostya, I ve been on Nougat since December and the issue started about 10 days ago.  Push is only for 3 folders Inbox, Drafts and Sent.     Anyway if it's not released to Aqua, don't bother.    Any progress with canned responses? :)    also still missing the widget with ability to select more folders and more accounts like in Profimail Go and ability to Star a message from the widget. Is any of those on the way, pls? :)

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2017, 11:07:39 pm »
Re: Kostya, I ve been on Nougat since December and the issue started about 10 days ago.

I'm not aware of any changes in push mail recently.

Even with just three folders, if the app's network connections are getting aborted (too much), then you could run into this limit. That's all I can say right now "in theory".

Re: Any progress with canned responses

Aqua Mail has had canned responses for a few years, on the compose screen, Menu -> Quick responses.

Re: also still missing the widget with ability to select more folders and more accounts like in Profimail Go

Not sure about showing Sent (or Drafts or Deleted) in a widget, not a common request for sure.

Re: Star a message from the widget

Google recommends only using one "action" for "list widgets", trying to add more may overload "the system" (too many PendingIntent's inside Android code).
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No you can't write a canned response with a picture like in Gmail.

re widget: sent and draft all I ask for :)

re star: I see, no problem

Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-L29 using Tapatalk

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.9.0-242-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2017, 11:12:48 pm »
Re: No you can't write a canned response with a picture like in Gmail.

Yes it's true, plain text only. Sorry. Still.
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