I was asked to put this here - I already posted it under "Slim Padding and general space problems in ver 1.8 and 1.9 compared to 1.7 "
Dear All,
Version 1.7.2-132 compared to version 1.9.0-224-dev.
First, thank you for the improvements made so far.
Second, may I just repeat myself briefly by saying that one of the great things about AquaMail is the regular updates. Personally, I believe regular change can be a positive thing for apps, however, the best apps that I use are the apps best at presenting the maximum amount of well organised information in the smallest space, the main limitation of a mobile's screen. The most recent update significantly reduces the information available on my mobile's screen within AquaMail (please see the attached screenshots, with the same 'Message list' settings).
Third, analysing the problem, there are a number of points to consider:
1. It is clear that the space between the messages is much greater in ver 1.9. I know that changes have been made over the original 1.8 release, but it is clear that slim padding is still less aggressive than before and I don't understand why the settings can't just be rolled over - why take away my ability to set padding to the same amount as in version 1.7?
2. In the examples below, both 'message list' settings have set the font size to 'normal'. Is 'normal', now not normal? Has the value for 'normal' changed for some reason? Even if I change the 'normal' to 'small' in the 1.9 version it doesn't do much to help recreate the 1.7 'message list', there is still too much unnecessary padding.
3. Perhaps one of the problems is the replacement of the tick with a box and the new way the checkbox is anchored vertically. It appears, that whereas the old tick always took up the same vertical space as the first two lines of a message, the new box is centred vertically taking up just half of the top line's space, all the middle line's space and half the third line's space. I can see that this could be considered better - but equally it can clearly be considered worse. It looks much worse in the example attached. And, on the subject of the check box, why is the box much fatter in terms of vertical space than the tick? It takes up so much more space in each direction than necessary and doesn't seem to look better as a result, so why do this?
4. By moving the paperclip to above the star, another line has been added between messages with attachments - the paperclip was happy where it was. Why move it to somewhere where it harms the amount of information that can fit on the screen, what's the point, as it looked good previously.
5. Similarly the message received time is in a vertical line with the paperclip and star - why have you changed this? The more information that can be presented inline like in ver 1.7, then the greater number of messages can be seen - why mess with this. It seems to me that the message received time is now much less easy to see at a glance, that is not progress.
6 I have also noticed, and it is clear in the attachments, that the new version shows an empty line of space where there is no message text to preview - this is inefficient and again an unnecessary change. If a line is empty, then why present it - what's the point of a completely empty line, when space is at a premium?
It is hard to look at the new screen in ver 1.9 compared to ver 1.7, in this case, and not notice how much worse it is, not just from a look and feel point of view, but most importantly with regards to information. There is less information presented and space where there need not be. Does anybody reading this prefer the look of the new screen in my attached screenshots? If not, I can't see the justification for these changes. Why have changes if they don't either increase the information available or make the presentation better? The screen in ver 1.7 is really very good, looks good, well balanced, clear and lots of information and nearly no wasted space.
I have seen other discussion of 'slim padding' on the forum and see that generally others are having similar complaints. I wonder whether a possible solution might be to have 2 choices? Perhaps 'Original' (as in ver 1.7), 'New' (as in ver1.

and 'None' (as in every version without padding)?
In any case, please may I plead with you to help me get back the 'message list' that I have grown so fond of? Just give me access to the settings I had before please.
Thank you again for your time on this and thank you to the whole forum for your thoughts.
I was told to use different settings in 1.9, i.e. to turn of message indents. This certainly helps with the amount of data on the screen - see attachment.
What seems to be happening is that the non indented line is squashing the check box box, this is much better because it increases the number of messages presented, but it doesn't look great not to have the indentation - just compare it to the original.
For the moment, the other problems persist.
Slim Padding can't be set as slim as before.
Font sizes have changed. Normal isn't normal anymore.
Check box width is too wide.
The paperclip is unnecessarily hogging vertical and horizontal space.
The date received time is taking up vertical space and is much less visible.
Thanks as always.