I don't like the idea of special casing Gmail again because -- right now, without that special case, the app actually shows you what is really happening, it doesn't try to create a distorted albeit more comfortable view of reality.
I don't have problem with that view. My suggestion for a different default was just a thought in response to your question about enabling a special workaround.
Will give more thought to the idea of a way to turn this off per-account, but then again -- the security minded will still want this enabled, for all accounts, because -- I'm theorizing -- being security minded, they most likely prefer "more realistic" to "more comfortable".
Let me provide you some information about that.
1. I am security-minded. I've had this option enabled from the beginning (and in the recent days couldn't even find it - hence my earlier question).
But I am close to being ready to give up on Gmail (probably all Gmail accounts). But I don't want to disable the change detection for the rest of the accounts.
2. In the past few days, I've been doing some quick research on some related security issues, including which software tracks change of the SSL certificates, and how it deals with the frequent changes started by Google a few years ago.
So far, besides (almost?) all implementations of SSH and Aquamail, I was able to find "Certificate Patrol" plugin for Firefox and Claws Mail.
"Certificate Patrol" plugin is obviously installed
only by security-minded people. I found numerous accounts of people turning that plugin off soon after Google started rotating SSL certs on their websites.
As I wrote above, Claws introduced an option to automatically accept the new cert for an individual account. (In a direct conversation, one of the Claws developers told me that it was a direct response to Gmail's certificate frequent change "problem".)
Security vs. convenience is always a balance, a compromise.
My impression is that, except for the "most security-minded" (almost paranoid), - many security-minded people would switch off this option for Gmail, while keeping the rest of the accounts enabled. But then, many "security-paranoid" people do not use Gmail at all. Gmail is already a compromise toward convenience...
Let me add yet one more use case:
Besides the annoyance, there is yet another issue caused by the present behavior (Aquamail + Gmail): I have one Gmail account with a very low flow of messages, where I need reliable (i.e. relatively quick) notification. This is the only account for which I have a sound notification for new messages, so that I can hear the new message even if I am in a meeting, driving on the road, etc. (i.e. not looking at my phone).
Since the cert-related error can go unnoticed for a while (well, I'd have to look into that, maybe there is a per-account sound alert for errors? But even that might not be a good solution), I would not know about the new important message in that account. In this account, the
reliability of quick notification is more important to me than the safety (and the risk of a MITM attack).
For now, I keep that account (the only one) in the Gmail app.
(Actually, there is a second reason as well: absence of separate (per account) options for IMAP synchronization on the mobile network. At the moment, that Gmail app is receiving notifications on the mobile networks, while Aquamail, with the rest of the accounts, is not. I suggested the per-account mobile-network settings for IMAP very recently - when I transferred one other account to Aquamail, for which I'd prefer syncing on mobile network. But that is a separate issue.)