Author Topic: Exchange Cal - one meeting is out one hour in my s4 mini but is okay in nexus 10  (Read 3793 times)


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Good Morning.
I'm used to manage email with acquamail and the syncronization with the exchange account also updates the calendar.
Same configuration for both, my mobile phone (Samsung s4 mini) and nexus 10 tablet.
Today I realized one of the meetings is out one hour only on the phone only (one hour earlier than it should).
I did a try to clear the calendar update and restore it with no luck.
looked into the forum not finding answers.
Any suggestion?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Yes, I'd need to see this in the app's debug log, there is no other way for me to know what happened and how.

If you're interested:

- Please enable debug logging as described below in my signature, with "raw session data" enabled, on the "bad" phone

- Update the "bad" event using web mail / cal or Outlook or something else, changing its category (color) would be just fine

- Sync the calendar in AquaMail, wait for it to complete (the category / color gets updated)

- Send the log to support [ at ] aqua-mail [dot com] or kmansoft [ at ] gmail [ dot com]

- I will also need to know what the "correct" (expected) time was, and the phone's time zone (name and actual offset from GMT).
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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