Author Topic: Frequent 'Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity'  (Read 6623 times)


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Frequent 'Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity'
« on: October 08, 2017, 12:23:11 am »

Everyday (like clockwork) for the last few weeks, I've been getting the following email: "Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity" for one of my Hotmail accounts that AM is monitoring.
I wasn't too worried about the warning as the email is your standard 'Was it really you who signed in?' type email and always shows that the sign-in location was from my own network.

I am worried however about why it's happening at all and so freqently however.
The email is always sent (from MS) at the same time (about 4:15am) and only occurs when AM is monitoring that account. If AM is disabled, I don't get the warning email that day.

I only get the warning email for 1 of my 4 accounts that AM checks.
4 accounts:
Gmail A
Gmail B
Hotmail A - Warning emails received for this account.
Hotmail B

At first I thought it was just a glitch, but it's happened everyday for over a month.

Please look into this as a priority. What do you require from me to assist?


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Frequent 'Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity'
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2017, 07:50:53 pm »
Please understand that the warning comes from MS and there isn't anything we can possibly do to guess what's causing it.

The only thing to check in Aqua would be that you are using OAUTH2 (login method) and not password based, since OAUTH2 is more secure and usually preferred by mail providers (Gmail, Yahoo, maybe Hotmail too).

To do this please long press on the account -> account setup

- -> if you see a password input field and green panel offering to switch to OAUTH2 please tap that to do so

- -> if you don't see a password input field then the account already is set up using OAUTH2

If you ever find out anything specific from MS support - anything at all other than "this is not an approved app why don't you switch to Outlook" - please post here or email to support / aqua-mail / dot com and we'll look into making any suggested changes.
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Re: Frequent 'Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity'
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2017, 11:16:56 am »
Thanks for the reply.

I've checked the settings and it looks like it's already OAUTH2.
I don't understand why it happens on 1 hotmail account but not the other. I also don't understand why it happens at exactly the same time each day - that's what lead me to wonder if something in the AG logs could help identify the specific behaviour/call that was causing this particular hotmail response.


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Frequent 'Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity'
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2017, 10:03:18 pm »
Sure you're welcome to capture this in the app's debug log and send the log to support / aqua-mail / dot com, but -

- most likely all I'm going to see there is a scheduled mail check + login attempt + server saying "no, sorry, thou shalt not pass".

But if you make / send a log file I will take a look.
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Re: Frequent 'Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity'
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2017, 11:49:00 am »
Thanks. Logs sent.