Author Topic: Folder not update  (Read 30449 times)


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2016, 03:26:03 am »
Hi, I have the same problem as the OP and I haven't been able to fix it by deselecting the IMAP optimization option. The problem occurs since the update I received on the 11th of March. I have two accounts configured, one is a Roundcube setup and the other is a Zimbra server I co-manage. In addition to not being able to sync my mail automatically, I am almost positive my Inbox contents on the Zimbra account preceding the 11th of March have been removed by Aqua Mail.

Is it possible to get an APK of a previous version from a reliable source? Im not inclined to trust the sites where they can usually be found, but I'd like to confirm the update is the cause of my issue.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2016, 04:03:49 am »
You can choose any of the "stable" builds (those are distributed via Google Play) in this forum:

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2016, 11:18:02 pm »
Re: In addition to not being able to sync my mail automatically

This is something completely different than what the OP described.

Re: I am almost positive my Inbox contents on the Zimbra account preceding the 11th of March have been removed by Aqua Mail

I very much doubt this.


Now, if AquaMail is only showing some of the newest messages, and then the message list "jumps to" much earlier ones, then please try this:

- Long press the account -> options and folders -> account options.

- Change the "messages to sync" setting from a number based value ("25
messages" etc) to a date range based value ("last 7 days", etc.)

- Back out and refresh the account

And as usual, feel free to capture the issues in the app's debug log (link below).
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2016, 04:18:07 am »
@Paris Geek & StR: thanks for the links. I am relatively new to Aqua Mail and not yet familiar with all the resources.

Re: In addition to not being able to sync my mail automatically

This is something completely different than what the OP described.

Re: I am almost positive my Inbox contents on the Zimbra account preceding the 11th of March have been removed by Aqua Mail

I very much doubt this.


Now, if AquaMail is only showing some of the newest messages, and then the message list "jumps to" much earlier ones, then please try this:

- Long press the account -> options and folders -> account options.

- Change the "messages to sync" setting from a number based value ("25
messages" etc) to a date range based value ("last 7 days", etc.)

- Back out and refresh the account

And as usual, feel free to capture the issues in the app's debug log (link below).

The way I understood the OP, his issue was the same as mine, but I have to say, with all due respect, his English is not perfect and I might have misunderstood his words. However, we both had the impression an update to the app broke something that was working fine before the update. He seems to have solved his issue by disabling a function that was apparently not touched by the update, so honestly I'm not 100% convinced by his conclusions.

About your doubts, I understand them and I also know it's kind of a heavy allegation. But I assure you nothing happened on the server side and the only other client configured to operate on that mailbox is not set to remove mail from the server under any circumstances. I am still trying to figure things out, as it now seems that more messages are gone. I like Aqua Mail and I'm truly not trying to throw random accusations at your app, but something's wrong on my side and I thought it made sense to seek help here. If anything, I am grateful for your work.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2016, 06:13:30 am »
The way I understood the OP, his issue was the same as mine, but I have to say, with all due respect, his English is not perfect and I might have misunderstood his words. However, we both had the impression an update to the app broke something that was working fine before the update. He seems to have solved his issue by disabling a function that was apparently not touched by the update, so honestly I'm not 100% convinced by his conclusions.

Don't forget, Kostya saw the debug logs from the OP's aquamail, and made his conclusions based on what was shown in the logs. So, let's not waste everybody's time and energy on disputing the case that is resolved.

About your doubts, I understand them and I also know it's kind of a heavy allegation. But I assure you nothing happened on the server side and the only other client configured to operate on that mailbox is not set to remove mail from the server under any circumstances. I am still trying to figure things out, as it now seems that more messages are gone. I like Aqua Mail and I'm truly not trying to throw random accusations at your app, but something's wrong on my side and I thought it made sense to seek help here. If anything, I am grateful for your work.

Kostya is (and other people are) glad to help you.
As Kostya wrote, - if you would send him a debug log, he might be able to see what is happening.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2016, 10:29:24 pm »
The way I understood the OP, his issue was the same as mine, but I have to say, with all due respect, his English is not perfect and I might have misunderstood his words. However, we both had the impression an update to the app broke something that was working fine before the update. He seems to have solved his issue by disabling a function that was apparently not touched by the update, so honestly I'm not 100% convinced by his conclusions.

Don't forget, Kostya saw the debug logs from the OP's aquamail, and made his conclusions based on what was shown in the logs. So, let's not waste everybody's time and energy on disputing the case that is resolved.

Fair enough, I won't discuss it further. It just seemsweird that an update forced the OP to change a setting to keep the app working.

About your doubts, I understand them and I also know it's kind of a heavy allegation. But I assure you nothing happened on the server side and the only other client configured to operate on that mailbox is not set to remove mail from the server under any circumstances. I am still trying to figure things out, as it now seems that more messages are gone. I like Aqua Mail and I'm truly not trying to throw random accusations at your app, but something's wrong on my side and I thought it made sense to seek help here. If anything, I am grateful for your work.

Kostya is (and other people are) glad to help you.
As Kostya wrote, - if you would send him a debug log, he might be able to see what is happening.

That's great, thanks! I'm still trying to figure things out on my side, but if I can rule out all factors external to the app, I will certainly provide a debug log.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2016, 11:00:11 pm »
Fair enough, I won't discuss it further. It just seemsweird that an update forced the OP to change a setting to keep the app working.
The relation between two events could be: causality, correlation, or coincidence.

Strangely enough, your post above happened after the partial lunar eclipse this morning. Was the lunar eclipse the reason why you posted that?  ;) That's neither correlation nor causality. It is coincidence.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2016, 09:30:36 pm »
I am familiar with the concepts of correlation, causality and coincidence, thanks. :)

This said, I didn't neglect or forget about this thread, I was just waiting to be able to post something meaningful. Here's what I got (I am back on the latest version,

My phone OS has a feature - meant to save battery power, they say - which "monitors and limits" background network traffic of apps. It's always been active on a mild setting, but not being able to rule out any silent policy changes in that setting, I turned off the feature completely about a week ago. Then, last Saturday afternoon around 6PM I noticed Aqua Mail hadn't check either of my accounts since 3:05AM, so about 16 hours earlier. I ran a manual check and then enabled the debug log. Of course, according to Muprhy's Law, no problem  has occurred since then. During those 13 hours I had been mostly on Wi-Fi, with a couple of hours of mobile connection; other apps were sending notifications and messages regularly. At this point I don't know what else to do.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2016, 11:00:58 pm »
Ok, so to separate different issues:
1. I guess you'd agree now that there is no specific issue in the latest version per se. Right? (You were able to run for several days without any problem.)

2. What you observe at this point, seem to be some isolated glitches. They are usually harder to "debug" if they are intermittent like that (i.e. not reproducible).
Those glitches could be due to the (1) phone, (2) Android, (3) router, (4) ISP (cable or DSL modem), (5) DNS servers, (6) IMAP/EWS server, (7) aliens, ... :-)
This morning, my beloved laptop that has served me reliably on 4 continents, lost connectivity in my house, about 10 meters away from the Wi-Fi router. The wi-fi connection stayed on, and skype hadn't informed me yet that my peers went off-line, but Thunderbird failed to save the message draft on the server.
There was some glitch (possibly connection to the DNS server, as the already existing connections were working fine), maybe in the NAT, or something else. And the rest of the devices, including my phone, didn't issue any error.
I found no clear reason for that outage, but I didn't blame Thunderbird. :)

3. If you catch the problem in the debug log, - send it to the developer kmansoft / gmail.
I am sure that if Kostya sees something that might give a clue about the culprit, he'd be happy to share that with you.
Or, maybe, that was just a "one-off" glitch, in which case your problem is completely resolved by disabling that battery optimizer. In which case, it would be appreciated if you let us know too.
(BTW, read the FAQ, currently the last item: , especially if your phone is running MIUI.)


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2016, 01:57:38 pm »
1) While my first post was perhaps a bit rushed in drawing conclusions, I have to say I've been using Aqua Mail for months and I never had this problem until the last update. But you know: correlation, causation, coincidence... ;) So I can't agree with that 100%.

2) True, there are multiple possible causes and intermittent problems are hard to catch. But this particular one is happening across two different Wi-Fi network and mobile data connection, while other apps continue working online even in the background (more on that later).

3) Yes, I am using MIUI and I also suspect they silently enabled that "optimizer" with a recent update. However - here's the good news - yesterday the problem occurred while the debug log was on (the optimizer from MIUI is obviously off). At around 6PM, I opened Aqua Mail and noticed that mail hadn't been checked since 1:50PM. The weird thing is the debug log also stops there, despite having been on all the time. It looks like a component of Aqua Mail crashed. Non-scientifically, I am tempted to say the problem might occur while I am on a mobile data connection even though a known Wi-Fi network is available.

Should I send the whole debug log (25M) or just the last bit? Is it ok to remove email addresses, servers and mail message contents and replace them with placeholders? Finally, thanks again for your support.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #40 on: April 09, 2016, 02:08:47 pm »
If AquaMail crashes you will find a chrash log file called log-AquaMail-crash.txt directly in the root directory of your device.

Please send this log file as an attachment to kmansoft / at sign / gmail / dot-com.

This file does not contain any logins or passwords or message text.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #41 on: April 09, 2016, 02:58:47 pm »
Thanks for your reply. The thing is Aqua Mail didn't quite crash. Just, at 1:50PM yesterday, it both stopped checking for emails and logging in the debug log. Hence my hypothesis that some component of the app might have crashed.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2016, 03:12:24 pm »
Ah, I see...

Therefore please send the created file log-AquaMail.txt to kmansoft / at sign / gmail / dot com.

The log does not contain your email account passwords.


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2016, 05:06:51 pm »
I know passwords don't apppear in the log, I'm probably just a little paranoid. :) In any case: email sent!


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Re: Folder not update
« Reply #44 on: April 10, 2016, 08:40:34 pm »
Just a quick update: I discussed the issue via email with Kostya (he's very kind and helpful!) and we'll try to figure things out in the next weeks. I'll post any further updates here, too.