Author Topic: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts  (Read 9428 times)


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Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:49:38 pm »

I have buy aqua mail a very long time ago and whas pleased with it for a long time but the problem was that it does not show separate notifications from multiple accounts. I did opened a thread more then a year ago and posted this issue. I changed months ago to Bluemail because most email clients support this option by default with notific that I use for lockscreen notifications. I thought I try AquaMail again and hope that this option also would work now after many updates but unfortunately still not working ;(
Why is it not possible to make it working to receive separate notifications from more accounts with the action buttons available? Other mail clients work without a problem but I would like it on aquamail cause it is my favorite mail client.
Also option to show icons on action buttons are not working (they are there but icons are not showing)
Hope that these issues can be fixed.

Thanks for the continued updates.

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2016, 02:57:44 pm »
A couple of other things:

- Android may collapse the action buttons if it "thinks" that there is not enough room. This is decided by the system code.

To expand such collapsed notification, you will need to swipe down on it (5.0+) or "pinch zoom out" horizontally, this varies by Android version and device manufacturer, and again is not something an app can change.

- AquaMail by default notifies about "all unread messages" (not "just new unread messages"), and so if you have more than a few, and they can't all be displayed in a notification -- then there won't be action buttons (since it doesn't make sense to delete or mark read etc. some "unknown" messages).

Two ways to fix it: 1) mark your old messages as read and/or 2) app settings -> message notifications -> change "notify about" from "all unread" to "new unread".

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2016, 06:00:29 pm »
@Paris Geek.

Thanks for the suggestion, it is a bit better when disable notifications for smart folder but not exactly what I want.

@ Kostya

Icons for action is not working, I try your suggestion by pinch screen or swipe down but icons not became visible. Like I said I can push on action button and is working but icons are just not showing. So it is a guest what to push.

And about notifications, I already try the suggestions you mentioned but that is not it.

I want all emails separately from different accounts, I have disabled smart folder like Paris Geek said but when I receive from one account tree emails they are bundled and I want them separately.

Why I want this is simple, I receive all incoming messages on my lockscreen and want to clear /delete all  messages that I do not need right from the lockscreen and leave the important ones on the lockscreen till I have time to read them further. This way all unnecessary mails are deleted right away and lockscreen does not clutter with these unnecessary emails.
Like I said Bluemail or typemail shows every incoming message separately and works a charm with my notifications app notify.

Hope this can be done on aquamail ;)

My phone is a Redmi note 3 running Android 5.01

Best regards.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 06:54:33 pm by ysco »

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2016, 11:47:10 pm »
Re: Like I said I can push on action button and is working but icons are just not showing. So it is a guest what to push.

Ummm, this sounds bizarre.

You talking about status bar notifications here, correct?

Re: Bluemail or typemail shows every incoming message separately and works a charm with my notifications app notify

Separate notification per message?

This was only just now added to Android N, and Aqua already supports it but..

..with earlier Android versions, you'll be getting a notification about "3 messages" or "4 messages" etc, and the action buttons will be there as long as it's 5 or fewer (so they all fit, and you can see what you're deleting).

Since you mention this "notification app notify" -- and it's possible that TypeMail and this app work together, to provide per-message notifications, let's separate things a little:

Status bar notifications (not lock screen notifications, and not notifications in this "notification app notify") are what's primary, can you check what you get from AquaMail (and if you get "action button but icons are just not showing", I'd like a screenshot) and also what you get from TypeMail, again, in the status bar.

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2016, 04:30:07 pm »

You talking about status bar notifications here, correct?

Nope I whas talking about lockscreen notifications.

Separate notification per message?

Correct but after some testing it seems most off the time it does all separate but not all the time.

I tested some more this weekend and also try floatify notifications app and with that one action icons are showing just fine so problem is with notify notifications.

I also tried the latest dev build and the new option  undo-able options is not working correct for me.
What happens when I have new undo enabled and got a notification on lockscreen and want to delete it from lockscreen it ask for confirmation for deleting. With stable build with old options I do not get the confirmation button. Normally when I delete a email from lockscreen it will be deleted right away without the confirmation popup.

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2016, 04:37:18 pm »
I also tried the latest dev build and the new option  undo-able options is not working correct for me.
What happens when I have new undo enabled and got a notification on lockscreen and want to delete it from lockscreen it ask for confirmation for deleting. With stable build with old options I do not get the confirmation button. Normally when I delete a email from lockscreen it will be deleted right away without the confirmation popup.

Best regards,

Thanks for your feedback.
This suggestion is already in discussion right here:

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2016, 05:48:36 pm »
You talking about status bar notifications here, correct?

Nope I whas talking about lockscreen notifications.

Lockscreen notifications ARE status bar notifications.

Android has no APIs (functions) to "post a lock screen notifications".

Taking your third party app out of the picture for a second -- Android 5.0 and above *mirrors* status bar notifications on the lock screen. That's it.

Now since you are using a separate app, I can only assume that it "somehow does something" (how's that for "detailed and specific"). I've never heard about this app before, and have no way to know what it does and how.


To summarize:

- AquaMail is only responsible for *status bar* notifications, that's all I have direct control over.

And there is no such thing there as "one notification per message" (at least prior to Android N).

- If your separate, per-message, lock screen notifications are provided by a third party app, it would be best to ask the developer of said app how that's done and what could be going wrong.

- If the developer of this third party app has specific things he'd like AquaMail to do, so that his app works better, he can reach me at kmansoft / gmail

- And also if the developer of this third party app would like to add support for AquaMail specifically (the opposite of previous point), there is an API document (link below) and he/she is also welcome to email me.
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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2016, 08:28:32 am »
Hello Kostya,

Thanks for explaining some things  ;)
I'm trying also nils notifications app and see how different notifications apps  perform with aquamail.

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2016, 07:49:37 pm »
Hello Kostya,

Thanks for explaining some things  ;)
I'm trying also nils notifications app and see how different notifications apps  perform with aquamail.
  Just want to chime in to say that I use Nils.  I  have two email accounts and Nils works perfectly providing separate lock screen notifications for each account.  I have used both Gmail and AquaMail to feed it.  Both work fine.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Question about separate notifications multiple accounts
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2016, 10:38:16 pm »
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