New translations for Hotmail OAUTH2:
*** hu: Missing transations: 29
<!-- strings_cwac.xml -->
<string name="cwac_richedittext_fillcolor">Fill color</string>
<!-- strings_help.xml -->
<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_preamble">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_direct">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_settings">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.\n\nOn
that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\". Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for
Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_closing">You can also do this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any
time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>
<!-- strings_account_options.xml -->
<string name="account_options_folder_notify_suppress">Do not notify</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_notify_suppress_suffix">, do not notify</string>
<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>
<!-- strings_ical.xml -->
<string name="ical_response_edit_and_send">Edit the response</string>
<string name="ical_response_send_now">Send the response now</string>
<string name="ical_response_dont_send">Don\'t send the response</string>
<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root">Folder for caching attachments</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_internal">In built-in large memory</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_microsd">On a memory card</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
<string name="prefs_threaded_sender">Combine on sender + subject</string>
<string name="prefs_threaded_sender_summary">Even when the messages are not replies to each other</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_star_indicator">Color: star indicator</string>
*** hu: Not present in base (redundant): 8
<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Kérem jelentkezzen be a Gmail vagy Google Apps fiókjába</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Kérem jelentkezzen be ide %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">Az AquaMail a Google által ajánlott \"biztonságosabb\" hitelesítést fogja használni, és nem fogja látni, tárolni vagy továbbítani a fiók jelszavát.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Hitelesítés a Google-al…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Ez a Gmail fiók frissíthető a Google legfrissebb biztonsági szabvány használatára (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">A Google legújabb biztonsági szabványa, az OAUTH2 egy módszer arra, hogy az AquaMail hozzáférjen a postafiókjához a jelszó ismerete, tárolása vagy továbbítása nélkül.\n\nAz alkalmazás a Google fiók szolgáltatásán keresztül fog engedélyt kérni az e-mail üzeneteihez való hozzáféréshez.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Google hitelesítési oldal betöltése…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">A Google OAUTH2 szerver furcsa módon tért vissza…</string>