Author Topic: ETA.. on a calendar/To Do List/Notes  (Read 5792 times)


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ETA.. on a calendar/To Do List/Notes
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:38:13 am »
I really enjoy Aquamail functionaly, but when will you have your own calendar, that will have a planner or to do list?
I found Solmail.  It would be nice to have something similar to what they offer.  I really like your layout it just needs a few more options to be a great app to use in business and personal use.

Thank you.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: ETA.. on a calendar/To Do List/Notes
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 11:46:26 am »
I have a general plan -- order in which I'm going to work on things -- but I don't have ETAs.

Or, I do - but it's of the "should have gotten it done a year ago", not very useful.

As far as calendar goes -- I'm going to add two-way calendar sync for Exchange accounts -- so any calendar events that exist on the server will show on the device, in the system Calendar app -- and there are hundreds of third party apps that work with data in the system calendar.

For other account types -- IMAP and POP3 -- there is no concept of server side calendar / events there.
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