Hello Kostya,
> Congratulations, I think it makes you the first (and probably the only)
> user who's tried it.
I think - and hope - I'm not the only user...
...and I do not only try, but use it :-)
You integrated Aquamail so smooth into wear and don't promote that the reason for that integration is your work, that users may think it's a wear function...
You should list Aquamail in the Wear stores as wearready. ;-)
> On "star" and "reorder" -- wrote down.
These two are my marjority wishes... :-))
> On keyboard input -- probably not...
Was just a sugestion with very low priority. Btw. minuum keyboard isn't ready at the moment.
> You can reply via voice input, have you tried it?
Yes I've tried it. it works, but I need another input posibility because in many situatons I can't talk to my watch and also can't use the phone.
> I *think* if you're going to fiddle with something, you might as well
> pull the phone out of your pocket, and type much more comfortably.
> One other thing I've written down -- but not done yet -- is to provide a customizable list of voice reply actions --
That's a real great Idea and I actualy have a sms app pn my watch witch provides this funktionality too...
But I would prefer if you could choose the answer with a touch /swype instead of choosing it per voice.
> I think it makes voice recognition work better, and would
> make it easier to reply with things like "I'll get back to you
> later" or "On my way, be there soon", whatever..
Yes and no...
As I'm used to diktate for transcription or to Dragon naturaly speaking, at the moment I'm not very happy with the german google voice recognition. And on the other hand there are many situations where I can't talk to my watch, but I'm able to touch and/or swype.
Btw it would be perhaps an idea to use Icons on the watch with an other funktion if you hold it instead of just tap it...
Thanks again for your work!