Author Topic: Previous and Next arrows below open emails disappear w/ emails with attachments  (Read 5235 times)


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Great app, and I'll likely purchase it to replace the K9 client which has gotten a little stale.  But one problem I have with aqua-mail is that when I try to scroll through the emails after opening one, the previous and next arrows at the bottom right of the screen disappear whenever I come across an email with attachments.  Instead a paper clip symbol appears.  At that point it seems the only way to keep viewing emails is to press the menu key and then "Previous" or "Next."  Is there a way to keep the arrow keys visible for all emails?  I looked for this issue, but didn't see it.  Thanks.

Kostya Vasilyev

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There isn't always room in the icon bar for all the icons...

Having said that, the 1.2.1 / versions don't use the "paper clip" button anymore, so those prev/next buttons should be consistent.
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