I'm sure it's constructive, and I'm taking it as such.
However. Things that seem less important to you (and not only you, but a certain group of users) are very important to someone else.
Example 1: I've gotten lots of emails about being able to embed images in rich text.
The wording, almost every time, was "I can't believe this basic feature, absolutely essential to professional communication, and which I've been using in Outlook shortly since the French revolution, is not included, even though it's a paid app".
Example 2: IMAP sync by number of days, not number of messages. Again, "But this is all wrong". No matter that the IMAP spec says that messages are ordered by date, or that K9 / stock Android Email have same issue with out of order messages. "But all my newer messages show just fine in Outlook / Thunderbird".
One more thing: EWS is not only mail protocol out there. Trying to compete head-on with apps like Moxier / Seven / Touchdown, which are focused on Exchange exclusively, is not my intention either.
I would like to add push for EWS. And calendar sync. And swipe actions in message lists. And swiping between messages. And message threading. And filters / rules. And... Well, hope I made my point.
PS -
I'm taking your message as constructive criticism, etc.
However, I take issue with the wording "professional league". Just like I take issue with "business mail application". A "business" something or "professional" other isn't some sort of holy grail or direct word from God...
As far as (implied) comparisons go... Let's take Cloud Magic for example.
It looks like they have maybe 2 Android developers, maybe 2 server developers (since their app uses their own cloud servers), maybe a system administrator, a graphics designer, a CEO, someone doing marketing, an office manager...
That's roughly $1M / year just in salaries. And yet they give their app away for free. I really can't compete with this point for point. Even if I stand on my head or try typing 10X faster.