Author Topic: Spanish  (Read 103791 times)

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: Spanish
« Reply #75 on: June 13, 2016, 10:33:07 pm »

*** es: Missing: 14

<!-- strings_help.xml -->

<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_preamble">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_direct">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_settings">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.\n\nOn
that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\". Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for
Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_closing">You can also do this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any
time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>

<!-- strings_ical.xml -->

<string name="ical_response_edit_and_send">Edit the response</string>
<string name="ical_response_send_now">Send the response now</string>
<string name="ical_response_dont_send">Don\'t send the response</string>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root">Folder for caching attachments</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_internal">In built-in large memory</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_microsd">On the memory card</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: Spanish
« Reply #76 on: June 14, 2016, 12:51:32 am »
Thank you!

Down to just these now:

<!-- strings_help.xml -->

<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_preamble">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_direct">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_settings">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.\n\nOn
that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\". Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for
Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_closing">You can also do this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any
time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root">Folder for caching attachments</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_internal">In built-in large memory</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_microsd">On the memory card</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 12740
Re: Spanish
« Reply #77 on: June 19, 2016, 08:20:10 pm »

<!-- strings_help.xml -->

<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_preamble">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_direct">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_settings">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.\n\nOn
that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\". Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for
Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_closing">You can also do this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any
time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root">Folder for caching attachments</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_internal">In built-in large memory</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_microsd">On the memory card</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: Spanish
« Reply #78 on: September 05, 2016, 01:05:34 am »
Version 1.6.4-dev2

*** es: Missing: 26

<!-- strings_help.xml -->

<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_preamble">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_direct">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_settings">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.\n\nOn
that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\". Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for
Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_closing">You can also do this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any
time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>

<!-- strings_account_options.xml -->

<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled_summary">Enable Push mail when the app setting is on</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_ews_need_google_play_summary">Push mail for Exchange requires Google Play Services</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_ews_in_pro_version_summary">Push mail for Exchange is a Pro version feature</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_push_mail_suffix">, Push mail</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_is_push_mail">Use Push mail</string>

<!-- strings_message_list.xml -->

<string name="message_list_ews_initial_1">Initial sync (per folder) may take a bit of time…</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>

<!-- strings__global.xml -->

<string name="pref_search_no_results">Nothing found</string>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_push_title">Push mail</string>
<string name="prefs_push_enabled_summary">Enable Push mail, instant message delivery</string>
<string name="prefs_push_wifi_only_enabled_summary">Push mail on WiFi only</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root">Folder for caching attachments</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_internal">In built-in large memory</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_microsd">On the memory card</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_dividers">Dividers</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_dividers_summary">Show dividers between messages</string>
<string name="pref_debug_ews_device_id">Exchange push device id</string>

<!-- strings_locale_plugin.xml -->

<string name="tasker_event_label_match_count">Matching message count</string>
<string name="tasker_event_variable_array">array</string>

*** es: Redundant: 5


<!-- strings.xml -->

<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled">Habilitar IMAP Push</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled_global_summary">Habilitar IMAP Push, permite mensajes instantaneos</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled_supported_summary">Habilitar IMAP Push cuando la aplicación lo permita</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_push_suffix">, IMAP Push</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_is_push">Usar IMAP Push</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 1558
Re: Spanish
« Reply #79 on: September 30, 2016, 03:18:25 am »
Just a quick one:
<string name="account_options_prefs_imap_compression_other">Otro</string>
Sorry, don't have time for the rest...

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Posts: 12740
Re: Spanish
« Reply #80 on: October 01, 2016, 07:21:38 pm »

Up to date list:

*** es: Missing: 30

<!-- strings_help.xml -->

<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_preamble">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_direct">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_settings">To do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings.\n\nOn
that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\". Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for
Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_closing">You can also do this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any
time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>

<!-- strings_account_options.xml -->

<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled_summary">Enable Push mail when the app setting is on</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_ews_need_google_play_summary">Push mail for Exchange requires Google Play Services</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_ews_in_pro_version_summary">Push mail for Exchange is a Pro version feature</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_imap_compression_other">Other</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_push_mail_suffix">, Push mail</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_is_push_mail">Use Push mail</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_pop3_title">POP3 account</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_pop3_summary">POP3 provides access only to the Inbox</string>

<!-- strings_message_display.xml -->

<string name="message_display_menu_google_translate">Google Translate</string>

<!-- strings_message_list.xml -->

<string name="message_list_ews_initial_1">Initial sync (per folder) may take a bit of time…</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>

<!-- strings__global.xml -->

<string name="pref_search_no_results">Nothing found</string>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_push_title">Push mail</string>
<string name="prefs_push_enabled_summary">Enable Push mail, instant message delivery</string>
<string name="prefs_push_wifi_only_enabled_summary">Push mail on WiFi only</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root">Folder for caching attachments</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_internal">In built-in large memory</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_cache_root_microsd">On the memory card</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_dividers">Dividers</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_dividers_summary">Show dividers between messages</string>
<string name="pref_debug_ews_device_id">Exchange push device id</string>

<!-- strings_locale_plugin.xml -->

<string name="tasker_event_label_match_count">Matching message count</string>
<string name="tasker_event_variable_array">array</string>

*** es: Redundant: 5

<!-- strings.xml -->

<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled">Habilitar IMAP Push</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled_global_summary">Habilitar IMAP Push, permite mensajes instantaneos</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_push_enabled_supported_summary">Habilitar IMAP Push cuando la aplicación lo permita</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_push_suffix">, IMAP Push</string>
<string name="account_options_folder_is_push">Usar IMAP Push</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы: