Author Topic: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3  (Read 13834 times)


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IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« on: December 29, 2012, 04:42:57 am »
Hi all, Aqua mail is great and I even tried upgrading to the paid version. But still IMAP push and instant email delivery on my smart email box is not working. I have 2 gmail accounts and everytime i have to manually refresh the emails to appear on the smartbox and gmail inbox.

-Enable imap push is checked on both accounts
I have tried the following
- Enabled imap on both account level and folder level - no luck
-Tried enabling and disabling the status bar icon - no luck

I cannot enable the scheduled email check option due to battery getting burned out fast. I am not using Wifi and on my mobile providers data connection (5 stars, my corporate connection MS exchange is working fine with push giving instant emails)

samsung SGH I747
Android version4.0.4

Aqual mail version pro - (the first version tag on the Recent changes menu)


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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 04:45:33 am »
And imap is enabled on both gmail accounts via web > settings option

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 03:14:14 am »

First of  all, IMAP Push uses more battery than regular mail checking, especially with Gmail, which "tickles" the app every 5 minutes even if nothing happened.

Second, if you're still interested in IMAP Push, please check the account's Options and Folders. Both the account's IMAP Push and at least one folder's IMAP Push should be enabled.

If the settings are correct, then you should have a status bar icon (a blue "@" sign) saying "Push mail: <account name here>".

If you see the status bar icon, please let me know by email (kmansoft / gmail), I might have other ideas.
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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 03:57:53 am »
Thank you for responding quickly. I tried the settings mentioned in your email. It is enabled for inbox and all mail on both gmail accounts. I don't get the /don't see the blue @sign saying Push mail <account name>. Don't know what else i am missing.

Also want to let you know 2 other things /settings on my device

This device is controlled by an administrator (corporate) for email security (MS exchange active sync) . Is that which is stopping Aqua mail?
While registering gmail (i have the 2step security enabled) in aqua mail i was prompted to go to web  and get a one time code and register it which worked and configured it propertly.

Long story short - Manual checking is working fine, imap is not working delivery emails as it hits the inbox.

Any thoughts.?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2013, 02:46:44 am »
Anand and I worked out the issue over email. Replying here to make the info available.

The issue was that the device's "master switch" for background sync was off, and my app, in accordance with Google's rules, would not do any networking in the background.

Enabling the "master switch" made things work.

My app also has an override for skipping the system setting check, it's in the app's preferences, Extended mode, near the top (under "Scheduled mail checking" -> "System setting" -> "Sync even..." depending on your needs).
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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2015, 02:17:22 am »
imap pushing not working for me either, I have aqua's scheduled sync off, phone's auto-sync off,
but I've checked "sync even if auto-sync is set to off" in aqua,
it should be working, right? well, it doesn't

if I turn auto-sync to on it still doesn't!! It doesn't even try!!
I only manage to sync when I use scheduled sync.

aquamail version is, android version is 4.4.2 and my phone is LG G2

I'm not using any battery saving apps, like greenify, etc
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 05:16:02 pm by patrickdrd »

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2015, 01:09:11 am »
@ patrickdrd

Can you enable app settings -> look and feel -> status bar notification

And also re-enable "scheduled mail sync" (so you have both that and push mail turned on)

Then you'll see if it's entering push mode and staying in it -- or if it drops from push mode, you'll see the status bar icon disappear.

Oh, one more thing -- app settings -> mail, receiving -> system settings -> choose the last one ("even when background data is off")

As usual with such cases, a debug log would be very helpful.
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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2015, 01:17:24 am »
as I wrote before it's working with scheduled sync set to on, but can you provide a combination for it to work without it? is there one?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2015, 01:45:52 am »
>> as I wrote before it's working with scheduled sync set to on, but can you provide a combination for it to work without it? is there one?

Yes, saw that -- but wasn't clear if you meant that "scheduled sync works, push doesn't even when scheduled sync is on" -- or -- "push starts working when scheduled sync is also on".

I recommend keeping scheduled sync enabled when you use push.

First, it provides a "safety net" for the app to catch push going away -- to restart.

Second, usually you won't have all your folders in push mode, only the most important ones (Inbox, maybe one or two more) -- and so scheduled sync will cover those folders where push is off.
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Re: IMAP push on GMAIL - Device Samsung Galaxe S3
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2015, 09:09:11 am »
I'm not interested in covering more folders but I'm keeping it that way cause I'm interested in the "safety net",