Author Topic: Synchronizing my original orange account via aquamail  (Read 5328 times)


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Synchronizing my original orange account via aquamail
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:58:16 pm »
Hi, I managed to activate the reception of mails from my orange account in aquamail but what I would like would be that as soon as I read / delete messages using aquamail, those same messages would be marked as read or deleted from my orange account. It was possible on my previous mobile, but I can't find the option on my new samsung galaxy s3... Thanks by advance for any help !

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Synchronizing my original orange account via aquamail
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 02:13:42 am »
Don't know what mail protocol Orange uses...

If it's IMAP, and it's configured that way in my app, then reading a message will mark it read on the server.

As for deleting goes, you can select one or more messages in a message list and choose "Delete now" from the "three dots" menu, rather than using the Trash can icon.

If "deleting now" is what you prefer, there is a way to select it in the account's Options and Folders -> Account options. Long press the account to open these settings.
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