
Account & Setup

Supported providers

Whether it’s Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, FastMail, Apple, GMX, Outlook, AOL, or Exchange, Aqua Mail supports any major email provider and any other IMAP or POP3-enabled mailbox.
Features Supported providers

Easy setup

Adding an account within Aqua Mail is quick and easy due to the automatic setup for popular email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, FastMail, Apple, GMX, EWS, AOL, and more. Enter your email and password, press Next and Aqua Mail will apply presets or recognize incoming and outgoing server names based on your email address.
Features Easy Setup

Secure login

Our email client employs the more secure OAuth2 login method when adding Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Yandex and Office 365 accounts. OAuth2 provides Aqua Mail with secure delegated access to your account by sending off a cryptographically signed token for authentication. It means that password entering is not required.
If you want to add an account that your device does not have credentials for, you will need to enter a password. It happens on the account provider’s server to verify the identity. Aqua Mail only receives the authentication token, and you are all set to continue customizing your mailbox.
Features Secure Login

Privacy First

Security and Privacy are top priorities. Aqua Mail does not collect and store your passwords, emails, or private message content.
Our email client uses the more secure OAUTH2 login method when adding Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and Yandex accounts. Extra layers of security are provided with the latest encryption protocols - SSL hardening, SSL certificate tracking, and DKIM and SPF validation. All to make your incoming messages more trustworthy.
Now you can digitally sign or encrypt your emails with S/MIME end-to-end encryption to guarantee authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation, and confidentiality of the message.
Features Privacy First


Attach a different signature to each mail account. Aqua Mail supports plain text, rich text and HTML input in the Signature module. Photos and links can also be added.
Features Signature


Identities allow you to choose from multiple aliases per account when composing, replying to, or forwarding messages. Additional customization options for signatures, CC, and BCC are available on a per-identity basis. Think of what function your email can serve and delegate it. It could be - sales, marketing, design, production, invoicing, etc. All to be assigned to one email account and managed with one feature-rich mailbox.
Features Identities

End-to-end encryption

Secure your personal or corporate communication by preventing email attacks and data leaks directly from your Android smartphone.
Aqua Mail utilizes the power of the S/MIME certificate, which allows you to sign or encrypt your emails. The benefits are authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation of the message when digitally signed. Encryption, on the other side, provides confidentiality for both in-transit and at-rest data.
Features End to end encryption


Managing folders is quick and easy in Aqua Mail.
Our email app allows you to create folders, choose how to synchronize each folder, as well as configure push and notifications where the latter two are allowed by the mail server.
If you decide no longer need one of your folders, simply tap the Trashcan icon and you'll be prompted to delete it. Keep in mind you cannot delete default server folders.
Features Folders

Advanced features

Unlimited Accounts

Connect and manage unlimited email accounts from one fast, reliable, and highly customizable inbox. Aqua Mail supports any major email provider and any other IMAP or POP3-enabled mailbox.
Customizations per account are available according to individual needs and the functions it performs.
  • Signature and identities
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Folder arrangement – create, sync, or delete
  • Special settings for mail receiving and notifications
  • Nights and weekends mode
  • Separate data storage folder for saving attachments
Features Multiple Accounts

Smart folder

The Smart Folder helps you unify and access all important messages from different accounts. It can display all unread, starred, as well as recently received, sent or read messages. Customize the Smart folder in the way that works best for you. Set not only the order of appearance by the type, time, or date but what message elements to display - such as account and folder names. Fast and easy browsing through the messages that require further attention, saves time and provides quick processing.
Features Smart Folder

Sync Contacts & Calendar

Aqua Mail synchronizes your Contacts and Calendar for Exchange and Office 365 accounts.

It can integrate tightly with your system contacts by displaying names and photos. There are also options to indicate unknown senders and auto-save message recipients in your phone's contact list. Furthermore, the app will provide you with a suggestions list of e-mail addresses you've received or sent mail to recently.

The Calendar synchronization for Exchange and Office 365 gives you immediate access to your scheduled events. It is completely compatible with any calendar app or widget.

Features Sync Contacts Calendar

Push mail

Push mail is one of the most significant features for the success of your email communication. Thanks to it, your mailbox is constantly updating without your interference.

With Aqua Mail, you get instant message delivery for most mail services (except Yahoo) and self-hosted IMAP servers, also for corporate mail - Exchange and Office 365.
Our email client allows advanced customization of Push mail. There are three configuration options for:

  • the entire app
  • a specific account
  • a specific folder or folders
Features Push Mail

Open & Save EML files

Have you ever experienced any troubles with EML when using an email client?
Aqua Mail makes things easier when opening and saving EML files. This widely used standard MS Outlook email format is to store files offline and to allow forwarding messages and their content. Aqua Mail works just fine with it.
Features Open & Save EML files

Priority notification

Say no to clutter in your inbox and choose what notifications to receive for priority emails. Enable sound, vibration, or appearance options for specific senders, available also per account. You can get notified of emergency emails even when on silent mode.
Features Priority Notification

Save as PDF

Aqua Mail provides you with a quick and simple way to export your emails or conversation into PDF. This super useful feature grants you multiple benefits such as:
  • print directly from your phone
  • compress the file size to optimize storage
  • make use of aesthetically pleasing layouts with integrated images, hyperlinks, and more non-text elements
  • easy to view and share
  • PDF works on any operating system
Features Save as PDF

Key features

Rich text editor

Need a perfect message to stand out? Use our rich text editor to create notable emails with different fonts, colors, attachments, quoting customizations, and more styling and formatting options.
Features Rich text editor

Custom file picker

We have designed our file picker to help you attach files with just a few taps on your display. Choose the file you want to send, and Aqua Mail will automatically ask you to keep the original size or shrink it for space optimization. Save time and enjoy life while your email attachments are in transit.
Features Custom file picker


Save time and enhance your email communication with our home screen widgets.

Aqua Mail’s message widget is intuitive and customizable. While adding it, you will be asked to choose which account to display along with its folders. If you manage more than one, it would be wise selecting the Smart Folder to have quick access to all priority messages at a glance. Scroll down to load more messages. The widget has a label option and five different themes to choose from, including frameless and translucent.

Message counter allows you to see the number of received emails and provides you quick access to your inbox.

Aqua Mail's text-to-speech widget reads your incoming emails out loud. The widget's function isn't active when there is a phone call.

Long-pressing on the app’s launch icon will provide you quick access to all accounts in your mailbox or to your Smart Folder, which collects the most important emails. You can also compose a new message without opening the app itself.

Features Widgets

Android Wear

Aqua Mail supports message notifications via Android Wear smartwatch. Now you can see the number of incoming messages directly from your wrist.
Features Android Wear


One of the things that make Aqua Mail an outstanding email app is its ability to be absolutely personalized. This includes how the app looks and feels. Choose from four available themes - a dark theme to rest your eyes or another to suit your preferences.
Features Themes


Do you want to create the perfect email? Aqua Mail can be your best tool to put your messages under the spotlight of personalized communication. Get our Font pack and use any font that will make your email perfect for your style.
Features Fonts


Aqua Mail is not only a feature-rich email application. It also provides maximum control, synergy, and customization while integrating with numerous third-party apps such as Tasker, Light Flow, Enhanced SMS & Caller ID, Cloud Print, Apex Launcher Pro, Nova Launcher / Tesla Unread, Executive Assistant, Dash Clock Widget, and more.
Features Integrations


What languages do you speak? Aqua Mail provides seamless inbox management in 20 major languages - American or British English, German, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Slovak, and Swedish. Enjoy all Aqua Mail's features and customizations in your preferred language.
Features Localizations


Swipe actions

Swipe left to instantly delete your email from the message list without opening it. Swipe right and change the status - from unread to read or vice versa. Aqua Mail's goal is to help you save time and organize your email traffic in the best possible way.
Swiping is also a customizable feature. Go to app settings, select “swiping” and set your preferences. You can switch on/off swipe between emails in message view or swipe in the message list. The last one has more options to suit your needs. You decide how many icons to see on the left or right side of the message when swiping. Each icon performs different actions according to your needs.
Features Swipe Actions


Group your related messages into conversations. Combine sender + subject and break it when the subject changes. All settings you make will apply to any already loaded messages. From the app settings tap “conversations” and explore the options to organize your conversations most conveniently - from presentation across folders to colors and text formatting indicators.
Features Conversations

Mail Receiving

Flexible access to all your messages from one smart inbox. Does it sound good? Go to app settings and choose how and when to receive emails. Aqua Mail can sync when “Auto-Sync” is off or when “Background data” is off.
It’s up to you to set the mail check interval or the number of instantly pushed to your inbox messages. Run scheduled mail sync when the screen is off or even on WiFi only.
Our app focuses on battery optimization when syncing emails, but you can choose to ignore it and allow the app to perform different actions depending on your work regime.
Features Mail Receiving


How often do you wish you hadn't deleted that e-mail? Aqua Mail offers you the ability to customize your confirmations and undoes. Download the app, go to app settings and enable Undo. It will help you correct the wrong action in seconds.

When Undo is not available "Ask for confirmation" will give you time to rethink when permanently deleting emails. It can apply when moving messages to Delete, Spam or Archive folder.

Features Confirmations

Access control

Security and Privacy are top priorities. Aqua Mail does not collect and store your passwords, emails, or private messages content.
If you decide to protect your email app itself, there are few options to choose from. Set a pin code to unlock Aqua Mail or use your fingerprint to do the same (if your device supports this function). You can also select when to lock the app along with lockdown delay time - from immediate to 1-hour option. Setting up a pin code activates another security feature - the app doesn’t allow taking screenshots while in use.
Features Access Control


Aqua Mail always checks for network connection and can apply separate network settings for WiFi and Mobile Data (including separate outgoing mail server settings for WiFi, if needed).
This customization option is valuable when saving on Mbs or optimizing the battery draining. You can ask the app to command batch size - a smaller size gives you better responsiveness, on the other hand, a larger size delivers better throughput.
You can also control the DNS resolution and notifications when changes in SSL certificates occur, preventing MITM attacks.
Bear in mind that Aqua Mail employs the latest encryption protocols - SSL hardening, SSL certificate tracking, and DKIM and SPF validation. All to make your incoming messages more trustworthy.
Features Network

Look & Feel

Combining all necessary and intuitive features to organize your inbox, Aqua Mail is the most customizable email client for personal or professional use on Android mobile phones and tablets. It gives you the power to operate your entire mail communication with ease. Connect with colleagues, prospects, friends, or family from all accounts on one app and stay on top of your busy day.
Bring your individuality forward with Aqua Mail. Everything, from the app's UI to the fonts and labels is customizable to your liking.
A few clever tweaks can bring some joy to your daily email tasks - use the volume keys to adjust the font size. Aqua Mail supports settings for left-handed users or right-to-left text input. Discover the 300+ settings and tailor the app to your needs.
Features Look & Feel

Backup & Restore

How about spending time to customize your entire mail experience and changing your mobile device? No more frustration and need to do everything all over again. Aqua Mail can back up and restore your accounts and settings from the phone’s internal storage or popular cloud-based services such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, and Google Drive.
The backup file is optionally encrypted with a password (of your choosing), required to restore. Make sure to remember or write it down.
Actual messages are not archived or restored. The app will re-sync them from the mail server(s).
Features Backup & Restore