Search Results "Archiv"


How can I make a backup of my mail accounts?

Please use the Menu on the app’s main window and choose “Backup and Restore”. You can back up your account and folder settings, and optionally include the app’s settings.

The backup file is encrypted with a password (of your choosing) which will be required to restore.

The app lets you easily upload / download the backup file to / from cloud based storage (Google Drive, OneDrive,, Dropbox) and then restore from there. Or you can copy the file yourself, it’s under “backup/AquaMail” on the phone’s “large built-in storage”.

Please note that actual messages are not archived or restored. The app will re-sync them from the mail server(s).


Since app version 1.17, "backup and restore" is in app settings -> Storage.

Archiving messages

Supported for IMAP / EWS accounts, not POP3

  1. Choose or create your archive folder:
  2. Long press on the account -> options and folders -> folders
  • For Gmail: use Gmail -> All Mail
  • For Fastmail, iCloud, maybe others: use pre-created Archive
  • For the rest: if there is no archive type folder, tap the “+” icon to create one 
  1. Tap the chosen folder, choose “Sync as Archive” or “Archive, don’t sync”
  2. Assign a swipe gesture for message lists, if wanted: app settings -> swiping -> scroll down to “message list”
  3. Assign notification icon, if wanted: app settings -> message notifications -> action icons. I recommend “Delete or archive, depending on the account” if some of your accounts will have “archive” and some won’t.

Message filtering (rules)

Sorry no such feature in the app.

We believe that message filtering is best done right on the mail server (service):

– Most mail services have supported it for a decade if not longer (try “settings” after logging into your account on the mail provider’s web site).

– One place to set things up, vs. in each mail app

– Consistent between all mail apps (mobile / desktop / etc.)

– No additional setup if you get a new phone

Gmail specific: if you’re going to “move” messages, please also turn on “archive (skip inbox)” for each rule (you’ll see this while creating it) — without it, Gmail will *copy* not *move* the filtered messages.

Архивация сообщений

Поддерживается для учетных записей типа IMAP / EWS, но не для POP3

  • Длинное нажатие на учетке — доп. настройки и папки — папки
  • Выберите или создайте папку для архивации:

Gmail: используйте встроенную папку Gmail -> Вся Почта или Gmail -> All Mail

Fastmail, iCloud, м.б. другие: используйте встроенную папку Archive

Остальные: если на сервере нет папки для архивации, нажмите иконку “+” и создайте.

  • Нажмите на папку для архивации, и выберите “Архив, не загружать” или “Загружать как архив”.
  • Если хочется: добавьте команду “жеста” для списка сообщений, настройки — жесты, прокрутите вниз чтобы увидеть настройки.
  • Если хочется: иконка архивации в уведомлениях, настройки — уведомления о сообщениях — кнопки действий. Рекомендую “Удалить или архивировать, в зависимости от учетной записи” если папка-архив будет настроена только в некоторых учетках.

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