Author Topic: Better view when messages are not expanded (only 2 lines/message)  (Read 27905 times)


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When the option to view no message preview is selected (2 lines altogether - the first option in message view), regardless of the font size, regular or inverted view, dark or light theme, the demarcation between messages is very difficult to see - all seems to be a single page with characters all over.
The same problem exists (at a less degree) for all other views so it would be nice should you find a way for the message demarcation to be more visible - without compromising the space. I would probably approach all the graphic element BUT the demarcation line itself - when that becomes obtrusive it feels like a punch in the face.  :)


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Better view when messages are not expanded (only 2 lines/message)
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2013, 02:37:14 am »
It seems you're first saying the dividing line is not "bold" enough, then talk about a "punch in the face", which seems to imply the opposite.

I'm lost. Can you clarify?

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Re: Better view when messages are not expanded (only 2 lines/message)
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2013, 03:57:08 am »
You're not seeing that line separating messages? :P


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Re: Better view when messages are not expanded (only 2 lines/message)
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2013, 12:58:07 am »
I've just installed Aqua Mail and am really liking it so far, but I'd agree that the message list view is a little ... densely filled / cluttered perhaps? The accounts list, for example, is far more pleasing to look at than the message list. True it's nowhere near as bad as K9, but the default Android email app has a pleasant easy-on-the-eye quality (even if it doesn't have much else - definitely a case of form over function!).

Very minor tweaks that would really help would include:
  • Adding a little bit of extra padding around each entry in the list . I know that would reduce the amount of entries on the screen, but it could be a simple user choice - "Padding: None/Tight/Medium/Loose".
  • Make the little coloured triangular tab that is used to differentiate email accounts a coloured vertical bar instead, extending the full height of each entry. Again, could be an option.
  • Provide the facility to separately adjust the size/weight of the Sender, Subject and preview text. Keep it simple, for each of the three items there could be a bold tickbox and a small/medium/large scaling option. Or just provide a few alternative presets if you prefer.
  • The right-hand edge is rather cluttered, even with the star icon removed. Perhaps allow the removal of the file-size wording too?
Just some thoughts from a new user anyway, it's pretty much the first thing I noticed when I first ran the app.

I do think this is going to be my standard email app from now on though, and I feel a purchase might be coming on...


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Re: Better view when messages are not expanded (only 2 lines/message)
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2013, 03:21:13 pm »
I've just installed Aqua Mail and am really liking it so far, but I'd agree that the message list view is a little ... densely filled / cluttered perhaps? The accounts list, for example, is far more pleasing to look at than the message list.
I think that the issue with the messages list is that the separator is darker than on folder list.
Maybe that change would help.


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Re: Better view when messages are not expanded (only 2 lines/message)
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2013, 05:52:30 am »
It seems you're first saying the dividing line is not "bold" enough, then talk about a "punch in the face", which seems to imply the opposite.

I'm lost. Can you clarify?

The changes in the last version solved most of that issue: it seems the better contrast really makes a difference.