Author Topic: Font Size  (Read 876 times)


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Font Size
« on: July 09, 2024, 04:57:42 am »
I am running Aquamail Pro the latest update as well as the latest Android update. I've used it for many years and really like it. The problem is in my inbox one email will have very very small font and another email will have a very large large font both in the body. If I change the font on one message it changes it on the other. I broke up a dog fight between a 250 lb Leonberger and a 125 lb pitbull last year in suffered really bad spine and rotator cuff injuries. They were about to attack three young children. I depend on voice typing on my Samsung s 22 Ultra and I don't understand how to get a message in my inbox in one font size in this body and a second message in my inbox a different size font in the body.