Author Topic: Getting auto-sync even when "Scheduled sync" is turned off.  (Read 1495 times)


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Getting auto-sync even when "Scheduled sync" is turned off.
« on: August 10, 2024, 12:08:46 am »
I'm running AquaMail 1.51.5 under Android 14.

Lately I am getting my emails auto-sync'ed, even though "Scheduled sync" is completely turned off for all email accounts.

In the past, this never used to happen. It seems to have started a month or so ago in a recent AquaMail download.

I'm a many-year user of AquaMail, and I have never enabled "Scheduled sync" at any time.

I only want my accounts to be sync'ed when I manually request that.

I'm not sure about how frequently these auto-sync's occur ... possibly once every day.

Is there any way that I can totally disable this auto-sync behavior?

Thank  you in advance for any suggestions.

PS: Under Mail, receiving=>System settings, the following message appears:

The system "Auto-Sync" setting is "off", scheduled and push mail sync will not work.

And as I mentioned, I'm still getting periodic auto-sync's.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 12:19:19 am by MrHippoMan »

Martin - Aqua Mail Support

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Re: Getting auto-sync even when "Scheduled sync" is turned off.
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2024, 06:22:38 pm »
Hello MrHippoMan,

Have you made sure you have adjusted the settings from Aqua Mail settings>Mail, receiving? (see attached).


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Re: Getting auto-sync even when "Scheduled sync" is turned off.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2024, 03:25:44 am »
I'm very sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for your message.

Yes, when I said that I have "Auto-Sync" turned off, that's what I meant: Settings=>Mail receiving=>Scheduled sync is not selected, exactly as shown in the screen shot that you posted.

I have never had this selected during my years of using AquaMail, and it is not selected now. But as I mentioned, within the past few weeks or so, I am now getting auto-downloads of new emails, nonetheless.

Also, on the "Mail, receiving" screen, the following is shown at the top:

The system "Auto-sync" setting is "off", scheduled and push mail sync will not work.

And for each email IMAP account, in the "Account options" screen, "Scheduled sync" is also not selected.

Could this perhaps have something to do with some sort of Android "enhancement" (ha ha!) that Google released in either Android 13 or Android 14?

UPDATE: On the Settings=>Mail receiving screen, there also is a "System Settings" item. When I open it, it gives only these 3 choices, and one of them must be selected:
* Observe all
* Sync even when "Auto-Sync" is turned off
* Sync even when "Background data" is off

I have "Observe all", selected, which I assume means to observe and follow the rest of the sync-related settings on the Settings=>Mail receiving screen.

It appears that perhaps "Observe all" is possibly being ignored, and that maybe Aqua Mail is automatically choosing one of the other two "System settings" choices ... ??

One more thing: I forgot to mention that I'm running Aqua Mail Premium.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 03:48:54 am by MrHippoMan »