Author Topic: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users  (Read 55874 times)


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #90 on: July 08, 2023, 10:48:39 pm »
But you don't know exactly what it's going to look like yet, so far we're all using the app without any restrictions, but everyone is already giving negative reviews and berating the developers. It has been promised that the PRO version will be kept with its features unrestricted. It's not September yet and the Premium version hasn't even been released and you are already crying and cursing. If they don't deliver what they promise, then I can understand the negative reviews and cursing, but until then, no one here should be lashing out and insulting someone who gave them a quality app and has taken good care of it so far.

You are missing a key point in your argument. Had it not been for the same people you mock for complaining and voicing their opinion, YOU would not be the beneficiary of AM changing their plan midstream to allow the Pro users to retain most of the existing features. I personally don't falter AM for making this change however, the lack of candor and honesty is what is bothersome to me. Most people here are intelligent and can read between the lines. It took AM how long and how many pages before Michael responded with some candor confirming what I have been saying all along, this change is related to funding future development, not the sham piracy excuse they flouted as if their user base is idiots.

Rather than scolding everyone from your high horse, You should appreciate the masses who caused AM to change their course for a middle ground compromise!!!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #91 on: July 11, 2023, 05:45:37 pm »
I have been a Pro user for years. I misread the message in aquamail. Thought it was a one off payment. Thought this might be helping the original developer. Then I noticed I was subscribed at £30 a year. Tried to cancel and that worked but I am still out £10 for the first year. I would be happy with this if the original developer. Come here and hear that's not the case. So looks like I have lost my lifetime Pro licence.
Well that gives me 12 months to find an alternative. GOOD BYE!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #92 on: July 14, 2023, 07:10:40 am »
I'm confused. I was a pro user, now I seem to be running Aqua Mail Premium, yet I have no sub (as well I shouldn't, given I never signed up for one). What is going on here?
Frog blast the vent core!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #93 on: July 14, 2023, 12:47:49 pm »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #94 on: July 14, 2023, 06:29:36 pm »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.

You're making the assumption that Aqua Mail knows what they're doing. For weeks now after complaints from the community we have gotten nothing but silence. I just hope this means they're working on whatever it is, for us to migrate to premium or whatever it is they're deciding to do with us.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #95 on: July 14, 2023, 11:41:31 pm »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Frog blast the vent core!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #96 on: July 15, 2023, 10:12:32 am »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Yeah, so you're saying that the only one who got it wrong is you?


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #97 on: July 15, 2023, 10:22:10 am »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Yeah, so you're saying that the only one who got it wrong is you?

And wrong again.
Frog blast the vent core!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #98 on: July 15, 2023, 12:28:32 pm »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Yeah, so you're saying that the only one who got it wrong is you?

And wrong again.

Sorry, but:

If you are already a PRO user, there is currently no need to sign up for the PREMIUM version (subscription with an annual fee).

A change to the PREMIUM version is NOT mandatory by the provider, but exclusively manually by explicit action of the respective user by consciously clicking on the "Upgrade" button within the app.

If you don't want that - nothing could be easier:

Just continue to use Aqua Mail as before.

Updates will even continue to be made available to PRO users, with optimisations and/or bug fixes to the currently available features. Just like for the Free version.

Only new features - developed in the future - will be reserved exclusively for registered PREMIUM users. Starting with the „new“ Unsubscribe feature.

But, if you have accidentally clicked on the "Upgrade" button, please send an email to Aqua Mail support. I am sure you will be able to find this address yourself. As you wrote, you are very familiar with the app functionalities.

Now please stop crying around here.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #99 on: July 15, 2023, 12:54:04 pm »
All that's happening is that you're not familiar with your app and you don't even know what version you're using, or you just tapped the option to upgrade to the Premium version without thinking.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Yeah, so you're saying that the only one who got it wrong is you?

And wrong again.

Sorry, but:

If you are already a PRO user, there is currently no need to sign up for the PREMIUM version (subscription with an annual fee).

A change to the PREMIUM version is NOT mandatory by the provider, but exclusively manually by explicit action of the respective user by consciously clicking on the "Upgrade" button within the app.

If you don't want that - nothing could be easier:

Just continue to use Aqua Mail as before.

Updates will even continue to be made available to PRO users, with optimisations and/or bug fixes to the currently available features. Just like for the Free version.

Only new features - developed in the future - will be reserved exclusively for registered PREMIUM users. Starting with the „new“ Unsubscribe feature.

But, if you have accidentally clicked on the "Upgrade" button, please send an email to Aqua Mail support. I am sure you will be able to find this address yourself. As you wrote, you are very familiar with the app functionalities.

Now please stop crying around here.

I never clicked upgrade (aside from doing so for Pro years ago). I do not have an active subscription in Google Play, though I do now have an Aqua Mail app named Aqua Mail Premium that says I have a Premium sub in its settings. I'm sorry you two can't handle reality, but that is it, and I simply and politely asked what what was up with that.
Frog blast the vent core!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #100 on: July 15, 2023, 01:16:08 pm »
Now please stop crying around here.
Why are you being such an asshole? This thread has raised some legitimate concerns that were handwaved by the devs, who silently changed the feature set available to Pro users to match the current Premium tier without so much as an apology.

We have screenshots of this happening. We know the devs were originally intending to remove access to features available to Pro users, and feedback in this thread and the previous one are the only reasons we are getting this concession. No one from the dev team has acknowledged this change other than continually repeating "you won't lose access to features you use".

We want AM to admit they screwed up and lay out a clear roadmap going forward. You and the other sycophant are not doing as much good as you think you are, and it seems you legitimately don't understand (or choose not to understand) what the real problem is.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #101 on: July 15, 2023, 01:50:43 pm »

I never clicked upgrade (aside from doing so for Pro years ago). I do not have an active subscription in Google Play, though I do now have an Aqua Mail app named Aqua Mail Premium that says I have a Premium sub in its settings. I'm sorry you two can't handle reality, but that is it, and I simply and politely asked what what was up with that.

Yeah, it happened on its own without you doing anything.  Strange that it didn't happen to me and all the other PRO users. Well as someone here gave you advice, write to their support and I think they can fix your bug.

Why are you being such an asshole? This thread has raised some legitimate concerns that were handwaved by the devs, who silently changed the feature set available to Pro users to match the current Premium tier without so much as an apology.

We have screenshots of this happening. We know the devs were originally intending to remove access to features available to Pro users, and feedback in this thread and the previous one are the only reasons we are getting this concession. No one from the dev team has acknowledged this change other than continually repeating "you won't lose access to features you use".

We want AM to admit they screwed up and lay out a clear roadmap going forward. You and the other sycophant are not doing as much good as you think you are, and it seems you legitimately don't understand (or choose not to understand) what the real problem is.

I don't need to flatter anyone, but at the same time I don't need to insult developers who have every right to do with their application as they see fit. The fact that the reason they were going to make these changes got out in the first phase of information and it turned out to be just one version is wrong, but it still works and will work for us and it's not appropriate to insult them.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #102 on: July 16, 2023, 12:33:23 am »

I never clicked upgrade (aside from doing so for Pro years ago). I do not have an active subscription in Google Play, though I do now have an Aqua Mail app named Aqua Mail Premium that says I have a Premium sub in its settings. I'm sorry you two can't handle reality, but that is it, and I simply and politely asked what what was up with that.

Yeah, it happened on its own without you doing anything.  Strange that it didn't happen to me and all the other PRO users. Well as someone here gave you advice, write to their support and I think they can fix your bug.

So explain how Google Play shows no sub.
Frog blast the vent core!


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #103 on: July 16, 2023, 08:21:26 am »

I never clicked upgrade (aside from doing so for Pro years ago). I do not have an active subscription in Google Play, though I do now have an Aqua Mail app named Aqua Mail Premium that says I have a Premium sub in its settings. I'm sorry you two can't handle reality, but that is it, and I simply and politely asked what what was up with that.

Yeah, it happened on its own without you doing anything.  Strange that it didn't happen to me and all the other PRO users. Well as someone here gave you advice, write to their support and I think they can fix your bug.

Why are you being such an asshole? This thread has raised some legitimate concerns that were handwaved by the devs, who silently changed the feature set available to Pro users to match the current Premium tier without so much as an apology.

We have screenshots of this happening. We know the devs were originally intending to remove access to features available to Pro users, and feedback in this thread and the previous one are the only reasons we are getting this concession. No one from the dev team has acknowledged this change other than continually repeating "you won't lose access to features you use".

We want AM to admit they screwed up and lay out a clear roadmap going forward. You and the other sycophant are not doing as much good as you think you are, and it seems you legitimately don't understand (or choose not to understand) what the real problem is.

I don't need to flatter anyone, but at the same time I don't need to insult developers who have every right to do with their application as they see fit. The fact that the reason they were going to make these changes got out in the first phase of information and it turned out to be just one version is wrong, but it still works and will work for us and it's not appropriate to insult them.

Asking for clarification and open communication with your users is not "insulting" the developers. Yes they may have the right to do with the app as they choose but at the same time it's not wise to bite the hand that feeds you. How you treat your user base can quickly make or break an app.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #104 on: July 16, 2023, 12:40:53 pm »

I never clicked upgrade (aside from doing so for Pro years ago). I do not have an active subscription in Google Play, though I do now have an Aqua Mail app named Aqua Mail Premium that says I have a Premium sub in its settings. I'm sorry you two can't handle reality, but that is it, and I simply and politely asked what what was up with that.

Yeah, it happened on its own without you doing anything.  Strange that it didn't happen to me and all the other PRO users. Well as someone here gave you advice, write to their support and I think they can fix your bug.

So explain how Google Play shows no sub.

There is currently NO Aqua Mail PREMIUM app available in the Google Play Store, only the Free- and the PRO-version (= Unlocker key, which turns the FREE version of the app into Pro for 19.99$ one-time-fee - NO subscription).

But maybe it also depends on the country you live in.

However, if you are actually shown PREMIUM, even though you have not explicitly clicked on this ("Upgrade") button in the app, then simply contact Aqua Mail support by e-mail.

But we're going round in circles here, as I already recommended this in my previous answer.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2023, 05:39:01 pm by mikeone »