Author Topic: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users  (Read 55886 times)


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2023, 10:30:48 pm »
This has nothing to do with piracy, the code base is the same and the license check is what gives access to those features. This is about money to fund future development and features which is fair. If they are just a little more candid about the intentions it will go a long way.

It is fair to state moving forward from here on out the pro users get all the current existing premium features, and bug fixes to support the app for new OS. However, new features would be considered a premium and that would require subscription. Depending on how they structure the code and how organized they are it is possible with little fanfare. Does this suck for the Pro users who expect indefinite features and support sure, but the reality is if you want AM to continue to develop and hire competent developers they need to pay them and the Pro users mindset of its all or nothing needs to change.

Candor and honesty goes a long way, nothing they do here will stop piracy, unless they employ a completely different architecture to how the app is used and there is significant downsides with that approach which is why most companies don't go down that rabbit hole. Snap the line now and move forward, everyone will be upset but it is the most fair way to keep the app alive long term.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2023, 10:54:40 pm »
This has nothing to do with piracy, the code base is the same and the license check is what gives access to those features. This is about money to fund future development and features which is fair. If they are just a little more candid about the intentions it will go a long way.

It is fair to state moving forward from here on out the pro users get all the current existing premium features, and bug fixes to support the app for new OS. However, new features would be considered a premium and that would require subscription. Depending on how they structure the code and how organized they are it is possible with little fanfare. Does this suck for the Pro users who expect indefinite features and support sure, but the reality is if you want AM to continue to develop and hire competent developers they need to pay them and the Pro users mindset of its all or nothing needs to change.

Candor and honesty goes a long way, nothing they do here will stop piracy, unless they employ a completely different architecture to how the app is used and there is significant downsides with that approach which is why most companies don't go down that rabbit hole. Snap the line now and move forward, everyone will be upset but it is the most fair way to keep the app alive long term.

I still feel that they should grandfather in their loyal customers who have pro-licenses to a lifetime premium. I have no problem if they want to charge a premium subscription to new customers to help fund their future but it's a stab in the back to do it to us.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2023, 11:03:11 pm »
I agree with @chris122380

Just transfer us Pro users over to a lifetime Premium. It'll show generosity of spirit and probably keep most of us supporting and promoting you. That way you keep us happy and you'll get the new subscriptions from people we point in your direction.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2023, 11:19:27 pm »
I'm the biggest critic of AM when they make poor decisions, in this case I can see the justification for doing this if they give us all the current premium features and continue to provide OS stability/security/bug fixes.

Companies have to make money to stay afloat and hire competent developers. Have you tried to work with single point of failure open source developer long term?

Sure this upsets you as a Pro user like myself, but you have to put yourself in their shoes and look at the long term implications of not doing this. $30 for a year doesn't even pay for a developer for 1 hour. This is a business not a hobby for the folks keeping AM relevant.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2023, 12:57:46 am »
Good PR = Keep current users happy for long-term gain...they will spread the word.

Bad PR = Make current users unhappy for short-term gain....they will spread the word.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2023, 01:32:53 am »
Don't be naive, a dozen upset pro users can't impact a small company like this. Perhaps less than 1% of their user are on this forum and their overall Google play rating has not tanked with upset users including myself who gave them 1 star.

Reality is they need to compromise and they have all the control. Pissed off users will just move on and that status quo will continue until something better and free becomes available.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2023, 03:31:45 am »
Dear Aqua Mail Pro users,

Due to the increased risk of app piracy, we need to migrate Pro licenses issued outside of the Aqua Mail app to licenses issued within the app. Also maintaining only one app and having all of our users in one ecosystem helps us keep integrity and compatibility in the UX.
That's nonsense, but OK. Therefore, by streamlining to only having a single Aquamail app to develop and maintain, the product *should* be better, more secure (and less piracy) and more easily managed by your company. This also means that we (the lifetime licence paid customers) *should* receive a better experience overall and have done you (Aquamail) a favour by agreeing to moving to this consolidate application/development path.
Sounds like everyone benefits.

As a Pro user, you will not lose features you already use. To ensure lifetime access, a migration option will be available soon.

We can offer the following options for migration:

1. Tap "Stay Pro" and wait for further instructions in the following days for transferring to a lifetime Pro license in the Aqua Mail app.
Good. You should not be removing ANYTHING that was paid for under your lifetime licence agreement NOR the licence agreement of people who purchased before MobiSystems acquired Aquamail.
And what was paid for, was lifetime access to AM and all its functionality, including updates, upgrade and new features.
There is NO cost to your company to retain the current LIFETIME LICENCE customers who already paid.
This is already a false 'opportunity cost' - It's clear from these forums that none of the lifetime users will be 'uprgading' to your paid subscription nonsense, when they are already perfectly entitled to all new aquamail features for no additional cost, and as stated, it costs you (Mobisystems/AM) nothing to bring these customers into your updated app development. Again, YOU chose to consolidate your app development (for debatable reasons IMO)... not the customer.
2. Tap "Upgrade" to become a Premium subscriber.

WTF would any lifetime licence owner need that?!?! They already are entitled to full access to all current and future functionality of the app, unless of course, AM decides to reneg on its licence (with PAID customers!!!) and therefore should refund all those users!

AM is perfectly entitled to change their future licences and products etc, however you are NOT entitled to changes these after the fact, on customers who have already paid for a product (which was always an ongoing service - so don't suggest "a lifetime licence is only for a few years..blah blah blah").

I (and likely others) would be fine to have our lifetime licence imported inside the app for (as you claim) antipiracy purposes. However, don't attempt to deceive customers that there is (also) a need to charge monthly/periodic subscription for this new app.
YOU have changed the situation to better protect your future earning (and that's OK, where it pertains to future (potential) customers), but none of your lifetime customers asked/needed for that functionality, and therefore, DO NOT attempt to change us any additional money for that!

Solution: Create 1 migration option "Import Lifetime Licence" - giving full access to all current and future updates, upgrades and functionality..and be done with it!
You will likely retain all current lifetime paid customers (who, until now, probably praised and promoted AM as one of the best email apps) and lose no money or potential earinings (as most lifetime members were leaving AM and going elsewhere (eg: FairEmail) and are now absolutely rubbishing/review bombing your product, leading to a real (not potential) loss of future earning.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2023, 03:49:58 am »
Don't be naive, a dozen upset pro users can't impact a small company like this. Perhaps less than 1% of their user are on this forum and their overall Google play rating has not tanked with upset users including myself who gave them 1 star.

Reality is they need to compromise and they have all the control. Pissed off users will just move on and that status quo will continue until something better and free becomes available.

I'm with you on this one. I get the frustration, just as you've pointed out. However if they want to stay relevant and grow, moving to this model makes sense.

Could they have given lifetime free premium to all current pro users? Sure. That dilutes the changes model for growth even more. It doesn't make sense to do.

Originally I was pissed when I saw the update notification in the app. I thought they were going straight subscription, and the $20 or so I spent (between pro and font package) was toast. THAT would have been fucked up. THAT would be worthy of all the anger I've seen. And sadly? That also would have completely been their right to do.

But they didn't do that. Could they have worded the change better? You better believe it. Messaging was mixed and caused undue stress. I'm consistently amazed at the hate I see spewing from a select few on this forum whenever I dip my toes in. I would bet (as you pointed out also) that the knee jerk reaction and anger from this select group is minimal in the grand scheme of things.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2023, 04:48:14 am »
I agree with you. It's their app, they own it, if someone doesn't like it go develop your own and do indefinite updates and development for a one time fee and see how long that goes.

I'm still waiting to get a clear answer from Martin and company if all the Premium features now are included in the Pro lisence and moving forward any new features would be Premium. If they renege on this it will not bode well for them.

Premium moving forward post today would make sense and allow them to continue to develop and sustain AM in the long run. Let's see what they decide.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2023, 05:50:07 am »
The problem with having a pro and a premium is they will still run into the same problem they're complaining about now of having two separate feature sets. They should upgrade their existing pro members to lifetime premium and all future users to have premium subscription and then you would only have one feature set. This would keep existing customers happy and allow them to encourage others to pay for the premium services which would bring in the money needed by Aqua Mail. A win-win for both sides. Just remember Newton screwed its members, almost half of them left and It nearly made them bankrupt. They have been sold about three times. To be honest I don't think they ever really recovered. Those companies who instead grandfathered in it's existing users are doing quite well (Dashlane and Spark email are the only two I can think of right off).


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2023, 07:42:45 am »
Read my comments prior, the code base is the same. The only difference will be the license check, it will not impact them one way or another, similar to the free and Pro option now, they just add a Premium option now. Not a bid deal from a development perspective. This change impacts a small percent of Pro users relative to their user base, they would not be making this move if they didn't feel it would not impact them. At least it looks like they are trying to play ball by including all the existing features except for the new "premium" unsubscribe option which is not a big deal. Like others mentioned if the premium features are worth it to you, than you will pay for them.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2023, 12:57:30 pm »
There still has not been clarification about the statement that we "will not lose access to features you already use". What about everything in the column labeled "pro" that's unchecked? Email backups, moving emails between folders, priority notifications, downloading emails as .eml files? I use these now, but according to the table that AM has put out I will no longer have access. Why even bother with the table if the statement is true? The feature sets should be exactly the same right now and only be changed to reflect new features being added in the future.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2023, 02:41:09 pm »
As an aquamail user of more than six years, also I believe that users like me should be appreciated for their loyalty and should be given them a lifetime subscription.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2023, 05:01:28 pm »
Been using aquamail for plenty years, I feel us loyal users should be granted lifetime premium as well.


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Re: Important announcement concerning the Aqua Mail Unlocker Pro users
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2023, 05:58:55 pm »
There still has not been clarification about the statement that we "will not lose access to features you already use". What about everything in the column labeled "pro" that's unchecked? Email backups, moving emails between folders, priority notifications, downloading emails as .eml files? I use these now, but according to the table that AM has put out I will no longer have access. Why even bother with the table if the statement is true? The feature sets should be exactly the same right now and only be changed to reflect new features being added in the future.

A formal statement from AM would be good, from the latest version this is what I'm suspecting is to be true.