Author Topic: %aqmtext in html emails not working (Tasker)  (Read 3242 times)


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%aqmtext in html emails not working (Tasker)
« on: April 26, 2022, 03:55:14 pm »
Hello Everybody.

I'm quite new to Aquamail. So far I set up my accounts and several settings like activating push, exclude Aquamail from Battery management and so on. That all works perfect. The main reason I chose Aquamail is the tasker integration. Until now I used an older version of K9 since they abandoned the tasker integration. No I have to migrate several profiles/tasks into Aquamail.

Now I have the following issue: I need tasker to check if incoming emails contains a certain word in the body. In this case it's just '4HWick'.
I tried it with the variable %aqmtext Matches Regex 4HWick. Now, if I send myself an email with that keyword the task becomes active and creates a notification. But, it doesn't work when the original sender sends an email (or I forward one of them to myself for test purpose) which the keyword contains. After countless tries I'm now quite sure that the problem lies herein that the original sender sends a html email. Then the keyword can't get detected. The emails I sent to myself contained just plain text.

If this is true, how can I circumvent it? Do I have to use another variable or additional configuration in the task? Then I thought that may be Aquamail could provide a setting to convert html emails to plain text. But couldn't find anything in this direction.

Actually the keyword is also within the subject for which I could use %aqmsubject. But the problem is that the subject is very long and the keyword is at the end of the subject. Because the subject is so long, it is presented as texttexttexttext... And it seems everything what comes after the ... (which indicates that there is more content) can't get processed. The subject contains a certain code / script. That's why it is lo long. Not very handy anyway, but I can't change how the sender sends his mails.

A second question: When I click on a profile in Tasker which is based on the Aquamail plugin, I get a list of the 22 available variables. When I click on the pencil at the top right I get 5 entries to edit like 'For which account'. 'From', 'To', 'CC', 'Message Subject' and High Priority. First I thought I could edit inputs for all variables presented in the screen before, directly for the Tasker profile. For instance set %aqmtext already in the profile instead of the task. But that doesn't seem the case. Is this variable-list just a reference which can be used in tasks?

Is there any documentation regarding Aquamail-Tasker Plugin/Integration & Variables available? It seems AQM Tasker integration is quite powerful, I just have to gain deeper knowledge about it.

Thanks guys.