Currentky the top part (heading bar) of the NavDrawer shows the currently viewed account. Or maybe if you have multiple accounts (I only use one) it would show all your set up accounts.
But in the proposed new NavDrawer there are NO accounts visible in that part of the bar. You have to use the drop-down arrow to display the account(s) that are currently set up, logged in.
In the proposed NavDrawer the far right icon opens up the screen to set up a new account. Frankly that small button could probably just be added to the same spot in the current NavDrawer, without changing anything else.
In the proposed NavDrawer the little "people" icon to the left of the new account icon, seems to do nothing at all. Why is it even there taking up room? To show the current accounts you still have to tap that arrow to the far left.
Then, having tapped that arrow, you get (in this scenario) icons for what I guess are the two accounts already set up. I don't know what happens next; maybe there is no further "interactiveness" turned on for this demo. But if you tap either of those icons in the demo, nothing happens. I presume in real life something would happen: a view of just one account's messages? Or a page for managing that account?
In the current NavDrawer, if you tap the (always visible) account name or icon, nothing happens either. So I suppose that likewise nothing would happen in the new NavDrawer.
So at this point there doesn't seem to be any way to "manage" current accounts, just an unlabelled button to add a new account. (But you've removed the "manage accounts" button from the bottom of the NavDrawer. So where do you go?)
Bottom line for me, in the proposed NavDrawer, I lose the constant visibility of my account(s) with their new message counts, in order to gain a "people icon" that does nothing and a tiny unlabelled "new account" icon, that could probably be added to the top of the current NavDrawer if deemed necessary.
But as a previous responder inferred, just how often do people need to set up a new account? Rarely, I would agree.
So the proposed NavDrawer seems to a large loss for a questionable gain. Leave it alone. If you think people can't figure where to set up a new account, leave the "manage accounts" exactly where it is now and just change the name to "manage or create accounts" or "manage/setup accounts" or some such title. That would be more helpful than that small unidentified (and rarely to be used) icon in your proposed NavDrawer.
RED DOT shows a possible location for a New accounts or Manage Accounts button in current NavDrawer without changing anything else (even room for a label to the side of it.) Better yet DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING.

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