Author Topic: A Settings Question regarding permanently deleting Emails on the Server side  (Read 2431 times)


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I'm relatively new to AquaMail and I'm hoping that someone can tell me what settings changes I need to make to completely delete emails.

I used AquaMail on my phone and tablet to read mail while I'm on the go and AquaMail is setup on these devices using IMAP settings.  Once I get home I use Outlook 2016 as the email client on on my PC and it's setup as a POP3 account so that all messages in my inbox are downloaded onto my PC and nothing is retained on the GMail server.  If there's a message in my inbox that I read with AquaMail and I decide that this message isn't important to view later (i.e. like an advertisement) I would like to be able to delete the message on AquaMail AND completely remove the message from the Gmail Server but it's not working.  Here's my problem....

When I press the Perma Delete button in AquaMail the message is removed from AquaMail and removed from my inbox on the Gmail Server however once I open Outlook 2016 the message that was deleted still exists somewhere on the GMail server and is downloaded as if the delete process through AquaMail never occurred.  If I never open the message in AquaMail and I open the Gmail Web Interface though my browser and delete it there, the message is deleted completely and is never downloaded to Outlook 2016,  So, from my perspective, AquaMail isn't tagging the message properly when it's sending information back to the Gmail server that it the message is permanently deleted.

So my question is this.....  Is there a way within AquaMail to tag a message so that once it's deleted back on the Gmail Server it really is permanently deleted so the message never is downloaded to Outlook 2016?   

Nedialko Kondev, MobiSystems, AquaMail Support

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If POP3 and IMAP are mixed up that could be the cause. If you set Outlook to IMAP as well the problem will not occur.

In general it's not a good idea to mix the protocols.
