Author Topic: "Sent" messages in the wrong places.  (Read 2959 times)


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"Sent" messages in the wrong places.
« on: January 24, 2021, 09:20:26 pm »
I also submitted the following as a bug report, but I'll add it to the General Discussion in case anyone else is seeing the same thing, or maybe someone has an explanation/solution?

"It seems every time I "send" a new message (not a reply), that message appears as 2-3 separate messages in the "sent" folder, all identical. If I check the GMail app itself there is only one copy of each of those messages in the "sent" folder.
   Additionally, each of those newly "sent" messages also shows up as 2-3 identical  messages in the "Inbox" (not the "Smart Folder", where there is actually an option to include sent messages - I don't see any such option to include or exclude sent messages in the "Inbox").
   Once again, none of these "sent" messages appears in the Inbox in Gmail itself.
   This must be a bug of some sort. It's quite annoying. "

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