Author Topic: external sdcard support for backups & attachments storage?  (Read 2572 times)


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external sdcard support for backups & attachments storage?
« on: October 14, 2020, 05:27:39 pm »
App storage to external sdcards has been available for awhile; options for Android >= 10 are well documented


LOTS of available apps use such external storage -- whether to an app-specific directory, DocmentStorage, etc.

Current AquaMail _still_ does not appear to; the issue's been raised, and asked about for years.

Attempts to pick any data storagelocation on an external card simply raise an error:

This folder doesn't allow the creation of new files.
Please pick another one."

What are the reasons for the continued lack of this support?
What are plans for implementing it?


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Re: external sdcard support for backups & attachments storage?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2020, 10:12:36 pm »
examples of other comm/connection apps that implement SSL Client cert selection:

  FairEmail: h t  t p s : / /

  DAVx5: h t  t p s : / /

without the option to even _connect_ to servers that require client cert verification, AM is useless.

again, status/plans?


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Re: external sdcard support for backups & attachments storage?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2020, 03:54:47 am »
It's been there in a fashion for a while - go into Options, Data Storage, then tap the "Folder for saving attachments" setting. It's a slightly awkward three-button prompt UI which reloads every time you traverse a folder, but it worked for me moving my attachment storage to external SD.

See also the option just above it, "Folder for caching attachments".

Agreed that it's not as convenient as one-button switching storage via Android's app settings.