Made an account just to cover this topic as well.
I used to connect simply through exchange with EWS, but that is not supported anymore.
I now connected with the office365 login, logged in with my corporate account at microsoft and my company. We use pingID for 2FA, so that was fine. Aquamail working beautifully as usual. But after several hours when I tried to refresh my mails (don't use push or device wouldn't stop buzzing
) it didn't do anything, it seems to want to download, but nothing happens. The 2FA isn't logged in anymore I think and I don't get a screen or message or anyting to reactivate it. Adding a 2nd account of the same server fixes it, but I don't want to do this every 12 hours or so.
I don't have this problem on the Nine email client ... but I just love aquamail so much more.
Any suggestions ?