Author Topic: Delete permanently with one click  (Read 2296 times)


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Delete permanently with one click
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:51:08 pm »
I had to reinstall ona new phone. Previously when I highlighted an email I had the option at the bottom of the screen to delete it and it premanent;y deleted it, it didn't send it to deleted folder. I had the same option when I opened the email to view it. I didn't have to use the drop down menu and jump through hops each time I wanted to delete a message.

It also left the message on the server so if I opened Outlook 2016 it was still there. The probnlem si with all of this is that a mobile has limited screen space so keeping all emails on it is not practical but neiother is having to go through mutiple actions to delte them.

 So I have trawled through every option to fine out how I can delete permanently with one click and for it to show at the bottom of my screen without any success