Please send us a debug log so we can investigate the problem further.
Creating a log if something doesn’t work right
In the application’s settings, open "Debug" section (at the bottom) and enable “Debug logging” there. Set “Log output location” to “File (log-AquaMail.txt)”. You will need to enable “Log raw data (include raw session data)” most of the time, if the issue is related to specific message(s) or account(s).
Once logging is enabled, please repeat whatever was causing the issue.
After having done this, please send the log file to support / at sign / aqua-mail / dot com (and disable logging afterwards). The log file is called log-AquaMail.txt and is stored at the root of your device’s memory card or large built-in storage.
Attaching logs is easy: there is a menu item for this in the compose window (last one, "Diag: attach logs"), available while logging is still enabled.
The log does not contain your email account passwords.
Thank you,