Author Topic: Account Icon Broken After Update  (Read 2743 times)


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Account Icon Broken After Update
« on: July 08, 2019, 11:04:27 pm »
I have eight email accounts in AquaMail, using a different photo icon for each account.  After an update a while ago, the photo icon for one of my accounts disappeared (the only Yahoo account in my AquaMail).  Before it disappeared, it had been using the photograph from my phone's contact list.  I tried updating the account's phone contact photo, deleted the phone contact and recreated, tried photos from different sources, but NOTHING will add a photo icon back to the Yahoo account in AquaMail. 

This issue is ONLY with the Yahoo account.  I can change the photo icons for any of the other email accounts at any time by changing the phone's contact list photo. 

How do I fix this, and assign a photo icon for the Yahoo account??   

Thank you very much for any help!!!