Author Topic: Tech support has vanished!  (Read 18857 times)

nadir husain

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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2019, 04:51:49 pm »
@Michael  thanks for that response. We need someone  from Mobisystems  to be regular on this forum to keep it alive.
Spark is free for individuals.
Those apps that charge an annual fee have server costs , frequent  updates and read receipts ( newton, missive).
I had suggested Aquamail to charge a nominal annual fee but had requested a few things in return - guarantee of privacy ( not quietly  slipping in analytics or anything similar) . Regular feature updates keeping Aquamail on the leading edge. ( There have been no significant  updates in over a year). My point was any money you charge has to be justified not randomly  decided.
In the end I would like to say I feel better about Mobisystems-  since you came on board with your candid and sincere responses.  Let's see what the future holds!

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2019, 06:07:46 pm »
@nadir husain, thank you for sharing this. Aqua Mail needs analytics and we have given the option to users to opt-out. This is very standard and is very plain and straight forward. Nothing is being "slipped-in" as it would be first of all illegal.

Think of the monthly running costs for the developers and the whole other people involved in making Aqua Mail run. I know they aren't servers but it's a running cost too. Automation hasn't evolved that much to replace them yet so that we can have a running cost for a machine but not having a running cost for a person ;)

Features are coming and being introduced all the time. There are a lot of things being done in the background related to the OS and the neverending restrictions with the newer Android versions that we need to keep up with and preserve the functionality of the app.

Remember that Aqua Mail has more than 300 different features and settings. I really can't think of any other email client to have that many.

For a major feature, I've seen a lot of requests for ActiveSync or PGP encryption. What do you guys think, any other alternatives?

nadir husain

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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2019, 06:37:32 pm »
@Michael  is there any way you can implement  snooze? I know Kostya had at some point said that it would be difficult for a non cloud based app but , even though I have not really tested it, I know FairEmail has this feature and it is not a cloud based app.

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2019, 06:24:53 pm »
I know about this request but at this moment I cannot promise anything about this feature. Also Kostya's remark about the complex development puts a lot of questions. Even if we develop a workaround we have no guarantee that some of the next Android versions won't enforce new restrictions that would make our work worthless and we would have lost a lot of time. It's a gamble of investing resources and how long it would be working.

The biggest challenge is that for the past few years Google has been pushing more and more for apps to move to cloud-based technology. This is not saying that we will stop trying but makes decisions not so easy to make for some features whether to make them or not.


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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2019, 07:36:17 pm »
The question was about a snoozing feature.

Your answer:
we have no guarantee that some of the next Android versions won't enforce new restrictions that would make our work worthless and we would have lost a lot of time. It's a gamble of investing resources and how long it would be working.
This is the risk of every app development.

Your answer sounds like there will not be any significant development for AquaMail app in future.

This is what users are concerned of. But it seems that you are confirming?

nadir husain

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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2019, 09:10:02 pm »
"Your answer sounds like there will not be any significant development for AquaMail app in future.

This is what users are concerned of. But it seems that you are confirming?"

Very valid point. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens from here on out. At least @Michael  has assured us we wont be paying anything extra if we are already using the Pro version.


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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2019, 10:05:17 pm »
For a major feature, I've seen a lot of requests for ActiveSync or PGP encryption. What do you guys think, any other alternatives?
I will happily PAY AGAIN if ActiveSync was available. I will also encourage several other colleagues in my organisation (NHS - UK) to use AquaMail.
I am grateful that you are paying attention to this forum

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: Tech support has vanished!
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2019, 06:45:04 pm »
I haven't said that there won't be major features coming. I was referring to cloud based features being introduced to Aqua Mail through workarounds.

@drjat thank you for the heads up.