Author Topic: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?  (Read 19722 times)

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2019, 10:28:18 am »
Thank you, Kostya, for pointing out how a freemium business model works and how it's more transparent than some totally free apps. Also, I am very happy to see that you are sticking around. Your expertise is invaluable for all of us- users and Aqua Mail team.

ksuuk, phred- thank you for the support and the objective point of view.

nadir husain- I really am trying to understand what's the problem with MobiSystems that bothers you so much. You like AM, you point out that you like how it works. I assume that you are also a beta tester. I don't know if any other email app company has an official forum like this one here. We have preserved this community and will continue doing so for the future. You get direct contact with the management of the AM Team in MobiSystems and we share as much information as possible with our users. Even sometimes more than any other company would share.

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2019, 10:37:37 am »
@MichaelMaslarov : The first time I heard of Mobisystems was when Aquamail became part of their organisation. It didn't bother me then. Businesses are often sold , merged etc. Then the Flurry analytics,  then trying to push your other apps to paid users by means of subtle ads and then openly lying to your users about why Kostya was absent from the forum. Does not build much confidence,  or does it?


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2019, 11:01:36 am »
@nadir husain

When I first discovered that AM was silently sending statistics ( ) this was fixed soon and I'm OK with that.

Anyway, better if they are telling what they do, as most don't. And in these day's almost any operating system/application is sending stats/calling home, So You can find or develop clean app, but You can't find clean operating system, so we just must live with this fact or we must not use any connected device.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 01:46:39 pm by ksuuk »

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2019, 01:37:13 pm »
Ok, I see what's the problem now so let me explain.

ksuuk, you are right. We try our best to provide as much control as possible to our users so that's why we have added the option to switch off the analytics part. But that's not going to solve the problem in the bigger picture. You need just once to be connected to a browser with statistics on and from there Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook basically know you better than you know yourself. You shouldn't be even logged in which is surprising. It happens to all of us.

nadir husin- we weren't lying about Kostya. As many times it was pointed out that this is a personal issue and we have absolutely no authority and even we have a moral responsibility for preserving the privacy of our team members - it's purely Kostya's decision whether he wanted to share this matter with anybody or not. So let's drop this once and for all.

For pushing our other apps to paid users- well this is not advertising but rather making a close collaboration between the apps in our ecosystem. Suggesting to use OfficeSuite when opening an attachment is more like adding a feature to Aqua Mail rather than pure advertising. This makes a smoother and more consistent UX as a whole. In addition to that, we have made these reminders appear very few times and they stop appearing after time. Also if you have set another alternative app as a default then you will not receive any prompts.

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2019, 01:44:50 pm »
@Michael  I am not doubting the credibility of any one individual who works for Mobisystems- they are all doing their jobs but I have lost confidence  in the honesty and I integrity of Mobisystems. All of the above could have been done by first taking customers into confidence. instead you chose to go via the back door. My apologies  but that , to me, is not acceptable.

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2019, 05:17:31 pm »
@nadir husain- this is simply not true and I have said above why what you claim isn't true. We don't do anything from the back door. If we did something like that AM will have no ads, it will be free, we will even be giving bonuses for using our app. Then everybody will be happy and very surprised how can we even finance our operations. See Kostya's comment above.

I am sorry if we did something that is not said straightforward to our users but we can't say out in the public all of what's going on in the company. After all, there is competition that may take advantage of us and we don't want that.

I am sorry that you feel like you lost confidence and I know that it needs time to gain it back but if you are interested in helping AM be better you can always stay part of this community and say what's bothering or concerning you. The most important thing is to stay constructive and objective. Criticism is always welcome if the aim is to find a constructive solution.

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2019, 06:06:38 pm »
@Michael  you are new to this forum so I have no reason not to believe you. I can assume you are sincere in what you say- time will tell. I would suggest we close this particular conversation since we will not see eye to eye. My admiration and respect is for Kostya and sadly he has left. I have nothing to say about Mobisystems  except what I have already said. Best of luck!

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2019, 07:58:36 pm »
Fair enough.

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2019, 04:52:00 am »
Wow! @ParisGeek totally agree with your assessment.  As I have also said AquaMail is still the best! I feel FairEmail has the most potential.


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2019, 12:39:02 pm »
K9 : not supported anymore.
What makes you say that? Looking on GitHub, the last commit was 16 days ago...

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2019, 12:53:54 pm »

What makes you say that? Looking on GitHub, the last commit was 16 days ago...
The app in the play store has not been updated since Sept 2018.


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2019, 07:10:22 pm »
The app in the play store has not been updated since Sept 2018.
But that has nothing to do with whether K-9 is still supported. Different apps do their play store releases on different schedules.

As I said, the last commit on GitHub was just over 2 weeks ago, which suggests that K-9 is not only still supported but is under active development.


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2019, 03:17:54 am »
Every user needs to decide what's best for them. Kostya has created an excellent intuitive app. In my opinion the best one out there. But it is not open source which makes it a matter of trust. I made a decision to trust Kostya even though my only contacts with him have been via email. When Mobi acquired Aquamail many users became concerned. Justfiably or not is for each one to decide for themselves.

For myself I've made my decision. After using Aquamail since its earliest days I've moved on. I am using a relatively new email app in active development which is
—opensource (meaning it's code can be examined)
—has a responsive talented developper who has a long list of prior excellent privacy oriented apps (NetGuard, Xprivacy, Xprivacylua, etc)

I'm now using FairEmail. There was a learning curve involved but now that I've achieved that I am very happy with my decision. I do not think it is appropriate for me to provide a link but it can easily be found in the Playstore.

For others, staying with an old version of Aquamail may be the answer. I considered that myself. There are many repositories of old app versions. Uptodown is one such repository.

Personally, I want to thank Kostya for all his work and help and I sincerely wish him the very best for the future and great improvements with his health issues. I'm pulling for you Kostya!

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2019, 03:40:53 am »
@someone : as I have also said before AquaMail is still the best out there. Like u my contact with Kostya was by email and like you I trusted him implicitly. Also like you I am now in the process of switching to FairEmail, though I think I am a little behind u in the learning curve area- still getting used to the app. Like you I wish Kostya all the best in life and in health. All the best to everyone on this forum!


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2019, 02:57:12 pm »
Nine, FairEmail, K9
FairEmail : FairEmail needs years before competing seriously with Aquamail or Nine.

Excellent evaluations.

That is true about FairEmail. It is not as mature as AM. But it has important privacy features to compensate including a spam filter with configurable rules which AM has long lacked. The ability to view and avoid all the invisible trackers in benign appearing emails and links are alone worth the change.