Author Topic: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?  (Read 19749 times)


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What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« on: April 21, 2019, 11:00:13 pm »
At what date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?

What was the AM version number at that time?



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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2019, 11:55:48 pm »
They acquired AquaMail on November 2nd, 2016

I think, build 1.6.4-dev4.6 was the latest release "before MobiSystems" stepped in with 1.7.0.x:


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2019, 12:02:09 am »
With they added a setting to turn off analytics (Flurry), in app settings, at the end, just above "debug".


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2019, 08:21:29 am »
Thank you. Just what I needed.
Any privacy changes in AM since then?


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2019, 09:32:25 am »
We don't know.

In recent new versions there were "Bug fixes and improvements" several times.

We asked, what kind of "improvements". But we didn’t get an answer, so there might be a reason for this. May be they don't want to tell us?


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2019, 10:30:06 am »
We don't know.

In recent new versions there were "Bug fixes and improvements" several times.

We asked, what kind of "improvements". But we didn’t get an answer, so there might be a reason for this. May be they don't want to tell us?

Maybe Kostya can release latest source before Mobisystems time and someone can fork/develop it...


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2019, 10:37:57 am »
No, he can not. He is not the owner of the software anymore.

Everywhere users of AquaMail are worried about more data tracking in AquaMail. Unfortunately we never get answers to our questions about those unspecific "fixes and improvements". Suspicious?

So users don't know what will happen. Several forums now monitor the development of other email apps more closely.


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2019, 10:49:14 am »
No, he can not. He is not the owner of the software anymore.

How can You know this? Fork is always possible, if there is a demand, there will be new app. :).

But I agree, that the Mobisystems silence or I'd say ignorance, is disturbing.

Michael Maslarov, Aqua Mail

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2019, 03:02:52 pm »
Hi all,

First, let me introduce myself- I'm Michael and I'm from MobiSystems BizDev team responsible for Aqua Mail.

I just wanted to shed some light about the concerns mentioned in this topic as to assure you that here in MobiSystems we are very respectful towards our users. It's not a secret that Kostya has built a great email app before MobiSystems came in thanks to his close relations with the users of Aqua Mail which we will try to continue doing and preserve the community in this forum.   

So for the most commonly mentioned concern about data usage by MobiSystems- we are not adding anything more than standard analytics which is used by almost all apps in the world. Kostya mentioned in another post recently that we started with Flurry. However, Flurry was not a good fit and we switched to Firebase analytics. In today business world of apps is absolutely impossible to deliver a quality app without analytics insight on how often and how easily accessible are the features we create for our users. Analytics is basically keeping us competitive against other email clients.

Regarding the suggestion of pirating(fork a version) Aqua Mail- well mikeone has clearly said why this is not a good idea, not to mention that it's illegal. But again there's no need of doing it as we are on our users' side. I am sorry that we cannot answer all issues in the forum but we are trying our best to do so. However, for any technical issues, our standard answering time on the support email is between 24-48 hours. Also, the forum here has gathered plenty of information about a lot of issues and their solutions.

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2019, 08:25:13 pm »
"To begin with Kostya is the most important person for Aqua Mail's development both strategically and technologically.

Therefore, Kostya is busy making Aqua Mail even better new features.

For any questions about the app the MobiSystems Support team will be more than happy to assist you."

This is a post made by your colleague in Dec 2018 which turned out to be a complete untruth and you expect us to believe you. Sorry ain't happening.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2019, 08:59:37 pm »
> This is a post made by your colleague in Dec 2018 which turned out to be a complete untruth and you expect us to believe you. Sorry ain't happening.

At the time it wasn't clear in what deep shit I was/am with my health troubles. Not to me even, and to anyone other than me, even less so.

When people get really unwell, they usually either recover to some reasonable level of health and begin to function again, or if not, they die, and it all happens fairly quickly.

It's very rare to be stuck somewhere in between for so long.


PS - don't understand all the venom towards MobiSystems.

They aren't any worse than any other company, on the average. An indie developer can do better with support and responsiveness - at a great expense of pushing and stretching him/herself, which can't last forever.

But if you compare against companies, pretty typical, not much better, not much worse I don't think.

PPS - and don't get all the scares about analytics either.

Aqua is a paid app (and not cheap), has ads, and that's what covers the expenses and turns profits.

I'd be much more worried about using apps that 1) have ongoing expenses (cloud based) 2) are free to use and have no ads 3) have been around for years - where and how do they make their money back (if they do, might not apply to all of them)?

P3S - I'm sure that I'll be slammed now for "defending mobisystems". Be that way if you want, but I have no connections to them now at all.

P4S - the "bug fixes and improvements" to me - an outsider - just looks like a "generic" phrase that is added "just so".

Really think you people are reading too much into it.

Just like "we are happy to announce" doesn't mean that Nadia is literally radiating rays of happiness while uploading an .apk to Play for publishing. She could be having a bad day while writing that and you won't know. Just "corporate style" is all.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2019, 09:47:16 pm by Kostya Vasilyev »
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2019, 10:16:53 pm »
Really think you people are reading too much into it.
Thanks for you comments, Kostya. One's health is most important no matter what else may be going on.

To the nay-sayers, doubters, and other conspiracy theorists, no one is forcing you to use AM. Yes, you may have paid to the 'pro' version, but how many other apps have you paid for only to, at some point, abandon for "greener pastures."

Kostya - I wish you good health and hope you're able to drop in here every now and then just to say hello. Or to offer some insight.

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2019, 10:51:11 pm »
I have always been an admirer of Kostya. I have specifically told him he has created not just an email app but a work of art. Without debate, the best email app in the play store.
I wish you well, Kostya and best of luck with your health.

Mobisystems, sorry I don't subscribe to your way of earning trust and it's time to look for an app that is 1. Paid 2.not cloud based and 3 . Is upfront with its users. There are still a couple on the Play Store.

AquaMail its been nice knowing you!


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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2019, 09:14:38 am »

Mobisystems, sorry I don't subscribe to your way of earning trust and it's time to look for an app that is 1. Paid 2.not cloud based and 3 . Is upfront with its users. There are still a couple on the Play Store.

Hmm, but AM is paid (ad free), not cloud based and via this forum (at least with history) kind of helping too and I don't know any such alternative, so please name these couple?

nadir husain

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Re: What date did Mobi acquire Aquamail?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2019, 09:20:28 am »
Nine, FairEmail, K9