Author Topic: Incoming messages all appear as BLANK as of some time earlier today.  (Read 2860 times)


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All was OK this morning (Wednesday.. Atlanta, USA) .. Received several messages overnight and all read just fine on phone this morning when I woke up.  Every message received since that time has all the incoming information, but the message itself is BLANK.  Can't find a way to view it.  All same received messages show up properly on my desktop. 
Also, if I SEND a message to myself (via AquaMail), it sends properly .. but if I go back to VIEW what I sent, the message is BLANK.  When the message is RECEIVED on my phone, it is also BLANK.
All messages received on my desktop computer (Outlook) display properly including the one sent from Aquamail.

What happened last night .. or this morning?  I certainly didn't wake up during the night and make any changes to my settings!


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Interestingly, the next morning all was back to normal.  This is (was) really WIERD!!