Author Topic: E-mail Symbols  (Read 3062 times)


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E-mail Symbols
« on: January 06, 2019, 03:05:17 pm »
Hi there!

I can't figure out the meaning of some of the symbols that appear in front of the e-mail titles in the inbox. They are as follows:

RE: (e-mail title) – A reply to the message we’ve sent
Fwd: (e-mail title) – A forwarded message
[A straight arrow pointing right]  (e-mail title) – ?
[A curved arrow pointing left]     (e-mail title) - ?
[Two straight arrows] (one pointing left, the other right)  (e-mail title) - ?
[A curved arrow pointing left + RE:] (e-mail title) - ?
[A straight arrow pointing right + RE:] (e-mail title) - ?
[Fwd: + RE:] (e-mail title) -   A replied message that has been forwarded

Could someone write the explanation, please?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: E-mail Symbols
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2019, 12:53:00 pm »
Subject prefixes (Re, Fwd) are standard, same as in any other email app, this is a convention not "standard".

Little arrows are "indicators" that *this* message has been replied to / forwarded / both. Curved arrow - replied, right arrow - forwarded.

The arrows are based on message flags that are stored on the mail server (same as a star is for example) and would be visible in other apps or web mail if supported (they often are).

Basically unlike the Re/Fwd prefixes (which are in *sent* messages for you, and only visible by the recipients) - these are set on the original *incoming* message and let you know if you've replied / forwarded that message.
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