Author Topic: Is there a "ARE YOU SURE?" option to check me, if I accidentally hit Reply All?  (Read 3671 times)


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I,  like everybody else,  accidentally hit Reply All sometimes.  I've been lucky that nothing bad has happened yet.   Is there a way to have a message pop-up that I have to acknowledge,  that asks if I'm sure I want to Reply All every time I, but only when I hit Reply All?


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Does anybody from the software developer check these forums?   Should I have posted somewhere else?   Looking for a very useful feature to maybe get added?


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Does anybody from the software developer check these forums?   Should I have posted somewhere else?   Looking for a very useful feature to maybe get added?
Yes, the original developer, Kostya, along with a couple of MobiSystems techs are on the forum at least once a week. Kostya sometimes three times a week.

But if you notice the "Feature Requests" sub-forum you'll see it has been made 'read-only' due to the huge backlog of requested features.

Also note that if many people are requesting the same feature it stands a better chance of being implemented as opposed to one person making a request. What's a "very useful feature" to you may not be in that much demand by others. I can't see Kostya investing his time in implementing something that only one person is requesting. Also, I assume there's a degree of difficulty involved. Something that is easy to implement has a better chance than something that is intricate. And/or likely to cause problems with other features.


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Thank you for the response!   I totally get it.   I assume you're saying the option I'm looking for is not currently a feature.   (there's SO MANY different settings screens,  menus,  options,  toggles,  custom settings,  etc...  I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss it somewhere.


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Thank you for the response!   I totally get it.   I assume you're saying the option I'm looking for is not currently a feature.   (there's SO MANY different settings screens,  menus,  options,  toggles,  custom settings,  etc...  I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss it somewhere.
Yes, that's correct. The option doesn't exist currently.