Author Topic: Trunked titles by aquamail + show title on more than one line?  (Read 3070 times)


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Trunked titles by aquamail + show title on more than one line?
« on: January 15, 2018, 10:28:06 pm »
I'm testing Aquamail at work because some features are unique on this app but I have a major issue : The most important part of my titles are trunked by aquamail.

Here is the original title I get on my computer :
[GLPI #0046972] Medium Priority - Attributed to a technician TITLE OF THE TICKET HERE

Here is what Aquamail shows on portrait mode :
[GLPI #004...] Medium Priority - Attributed to a technician TITLE OF THE TICKET HERE

As you can see, the number is the most important part of the title and it should not be hidden. Is there a setting within Aquamail to prevent this? I looked through a lot of options but found nothing yet...

Also, my titles are very long and I use portait mode. Most of the time, the rightmost part is out of screen and all I can do to know what my email contains is the leftmost part. It would be fantastic to be able to show the title on more than 1 line (I think I would need 2 to 4 lines to show the whole title). Can this be done?

If any of my question has an exclusive fix with the premium app, please let me know. I'm willing to pay if I know the issue is fixed. I'm in charge of testing this app and figure out if our whole team should use the premium version in the enterprise.

Thank you

Nedialko Kondev, MobiSystems, AquaMail Support

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Re: Trunked titles by aquamail + show title on more than one line?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2018, 04:59:55 pm »

I've replied to your request via email. Thanks for contacting us.


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Re: Trunked titles by aquamail + show title on more than one line?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2018, 07:43:51 pm »
Thank you for the reply.