Author Topic: AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please  (Read 4057 times)


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AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please
« on: November 26, 2017, 08:52:01 pm »

Hello everyone,

I'm using AM pro on two different devices.  I receive a new email on one device but will not receive the same email the 2nd device.  Whichever device receives the email first, then the other device does not receive that email.  If my cell phone receives the new email first, then my tablet will not receive the same email.  If my tablet receives the email first, then my cell phone will not receive the same email.

I want to be able to receive my email on both devices.  If I need two license that is fine, but Google posts the same pro key to both devices.

I use POP3 on everything and have been for years without a hitch.  I leave the mail on the server when checking for new, deleting the email from the server at set intervals of my choosing, usually several days later.  I use my own private purchased email accounts as well as a Google account.

Is there a fix?  If I need a 2nd license that is OK too.

Thanks in advance for any help provided!



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Re: AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2017, 11:04:13 pm »
Hi Jess!

IMHO is better to use IMAP instead of POP3 protocol. Or to give permission on Google to collect your e-mail in POP3 by Google account and just tune Google on IMAP. Thus, Google will collect from mail server on POP3 just once - what is the philosophy for POP3. (Which is the case of what you described - first in  POP3 order is OK and that's all. Leaving e-mail on server is not reverse flag of message as NOT READ. POP-ing is set this flag to read-out and sequentially POP3 ACCESS do not recognize e-mail as new! ) And in AM on Google account with IMAP you can use up to five Android devices. You should spend some time with manual of AM and identity options and settings.


Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


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Re: AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2017, 03:27:40 am »

Hey Tsvetan,

Thanks for you time!

My philosophy for using POP3 is I just happen to like it.  You like blue, I like red, that simple.
I have Google set for POP3.  My other email servers use POP3 also, no issues.  I use two other email clients on my regular PCs and do not have an issue what-so-ever.  Even after my cell or tablet has retrieved email, POP3 still works fine and dandy sending my email to whatever email client I want on whichever PC I chose and all of them if I so choose.  And later if I want I can read my email via Webmail also.  I just cannot do the same with AM at this time.  Looking for a fix if there is one.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2017, 10:25:05 pm »
Whichever device receives the email first, then the other device does not receive that email.  If my cell phone receives the new email first, then my tablet will not receive the same email.  If my tablet receives the email first, then my cell phone will not receive the same email.

Sounds like what Gmail does with POP3 (intentional, on their side).

Please see under: "I want to download emails on multiple email clients"

To change your login - long press on the account on Aqua's main screen -> account setup -> Manual and add "recent:" to your login.

Personally I'd also go into account's "options and folders" (also long press) -> account options -> and enable "remove deleted messages" and increase "messages to sync" to 100.


If it's not a Gmail account maybe it is - say Google for Business on a custom domain?

And if it really isn't Gmail - I'm at a loss.

Aqua Mail does not contain any code to delete messages from the server after checking mail.

So maybe it's some other mail app doing it? I understand that "delete messages from the server after checking mail" is a fairly common feature on *desktop* (Windows) email apps.
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Re: AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2017, 10:28:21 am »
Thank you very much for the reply Kostya Vasilyev!

Well shoot!

I have several email accounts I use AM for.  Only 1 account is gmail which is a business account.  Even my own personally owned email (my domain) does the same thing in AM.  Whichever device gets the email first, the 2nd device will not retrieve the email.  I'm not new to email since I've been doing this since before there was an Internet with old dialup, so I not a complete rookie, but this one I can't figure out why.  I use Thunderbird and Outlook as desktop email clients on several PCs with no issue.  They all retrieve all my email no hitch.  Samsung phone and ASUS tablet.

Well again,  THANKS a million times over for the reply.  I'll figure out something someday!


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AM Pro on two devices, 1 gets mail, 1 does not HELP please
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2017, 09:11:15 pm »
Well, I can only offer two little bits then:

- Aqua Mail does not contain any code to delete messages from a mail server after it checks mail

- Gmail over POP3 specifically is a "first come first server" - will report each message once to whatever mail app was first - unless you use "recent:" mode (or IMAP which is free of this completely)

- If the messages are there but are fetched as marked read even though you didn't - this can happen from mixing POP3 and IMAP (across different apps), there is an explanation in the FAQ.
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