It is a good choice and really advisable to warn against this adware version in your local forum.
The development since the transfer to MobiSystems is very annoying.
On the German Goggle Play Store are now "tons" of 1-star ratings, starting on 18th September 2017.
[Until then there was predominantly 5-star ratings].
Thanks a lot for a GREAT app, one of the best Android apps ever!
Thanks for your incredible job and support in the past. It was also a great pleasure for me to had the opportunity to participate in this development.
Especially @ParisGeek, @StR, @nica, @Thomas, @Davey126, @Fcasoli, @someone, @patrickdrd and last but not least @Pyler
Thanks for the very creative and above all always respectful discussions here in the forum. I greatly appreciated your thoughts and ideas and it was a great enrichment for me as well.
My opinion and decision to leave the forum I mentioned in my signature below.
[However, I will continue using this great app, but maybe stick with the last known 'good' version...
Thank you, bye and take care.
Good luck...
May your greed not destroy the great work of Kostya completely! (Your reputation and trust is already down, anyway.)
A life to grow, a day to die...