Just want to clear up a couple of things regarding how AquaMail handles spam:
I use AquaMail on Android [having recently switched from Gmail], OSX Mail on desktop/laptop and, very occasionally, if I want to change a setting "at source", I login to my Gmail accounts via the webmail interface.
In the past, when using Gmail on Android, I was seeing pretty consistent behaviour across all my devices; emails I marked as spam on Android or Gmail's web interface were likewise being marked as spam on OSX Mail and I was seeing them less often. The 'vice versa' was also true; email I marked as spam in OSX mail was likewise being marked as spam in Android/Webmail.
Since I switched to using AquaMail, however, this behaviour has changed.
When I check my emails on OSX, I'm seeing emails in my OSX Mail 'Junk' folder which, although they are in that folder, are not coloured brown [OSX Mail's way of flagging them as spam]. These are emails I have "moved to spam" in AquaMail. The problem is that, when I receive further emails from these senders on OSX, they are arriving in my inbox.
My speculation is that Gmail on Android was somehow tagging these emails as spam, as well as moving them to the spam folder, whereas AquaMail is just moving them to the spam folder. Therefore, when another client [in this case OSX Mail] sees these emails, it doesn't associate them with being spam, even though they are in the spam folder, because they are lacking some other indicator of 'spamminess'.
This would seem to be borne out by the fact that, in OSX Mail's preferences, there is an option in the spam handling section to "trust junk mail headers"
So, if my idle speculation is correct, is there a reason why AquaMail isn't causing these "junk mail headers" to be added?
I'm assuming an email client can't do this by itself and has to request that "junk mail headers" are added by the mail server [in this case Gmail]. But, given that [previously] mail I marked as spam in OSX Mail would also be classed as such in Android's Gmail app, I'm also assuming that it's possible for 3rd party apps to ask the server to add these headers.