I found some problem with the latest availabe Aquamail version in Androids Play Store - Details see "About" screenshot.
For new emails I love to use the Action Buttons to directly move some mails into the trash folder. This worked fine in order versions, but now the buttons do not have an effect any more.
I realized, that when I turn on the option "Confirm moving to Deleted" in the settings, the Button works properly again - BUT as the setting sais, now I have to tap twice to delete an email. If I disable this option the Action Buttons don't do anything. On other apps actions buttons are working.
Additionaly I want to mention, that in the "Confirmation and undo" settings I would expect the "Confirm moving ..." settings not to have an effect while the above "Enable Undo" is active. But in my case I can find an influence of these settings even when Undo is checked.
Device: Honor 5x running on Android 6 with EMUI 4.0.3