First let me say that I love AM. I keep track of a half-dozen or so email accounts and it does so perfectly. I came to AM from Blue Mail after finding out my emails were loaded to their servers. The ability to configure AM to match my needs is its greatest strength. Thanks for a great product!
With that said, I noticed after beta that the auto fit of some of my emails changed. I subscribe to a couple of email lists where each thread and all replies are received as individual text based emails. Using the auto fit option I'm able to format these messages with a large enough font for my older eyes to read without glasses with my Galaxy S7e. After 484, the formatting changed and the messages are formatted with a much smaller font.
Switching back and forth between versions I was able to see that messages with long URL's in them we're wrapped in 484 allowing the larger font to be used and that after 484, they are not wrapped and their length is used to determine the minimum width of the window and thus using a smaller font.
I certainly don't want to be that guy who wishes for a product enhancement just for my own purposes but if this was unintended, I would love it to go back to the 484 style of formatting so I don't have to flip the phone landscape just to read the message.
Again, all in all a great app and I like beta testing the development builds trying out the newest features. Thanks for all your hard work.
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk