Author Topic: Attachment from Google Drive  (Read 3170 times)


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Attachment from Google Drive
« on: July 13, 2017, 08:17:02 pm »
Hi everyone,

could you help me please how to insert link to a big file from Google Drive? In Gmail application there is an option `Insert from Google Drive` which inserts ONLY  link to chosen document (sharing process is done automatically in the background). In AquaMail I can insert document from Google Drive, but it is a full copy (when 25Mb is exceeded, there is no way to send it due to Gmail limitation).

I couldn´t  find ´Insert from Google Drive´option in Aqua Mail but I believe it would the great advantage for this perfect application.

Thank you in advance.



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Re: Attachment from Google Drive
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 09:18:49 pm »
I am not using Google Drive myself (I am using a few different competitors' storage tools that similar in design), but here are my thoughts in case some of them would be helpful:

1. It should be the responsibility of the cloud-storage-drive app to provide the link for the file (where sharing by link is available/enabled). Other apps would not (and should not!) be able to generate such a link.

I would expect Google Drive app to have an option of sharing a file by the link, where you would choose the file, and could share it by the link with any other app, including private messaging apps (Skype, Viber, Whatsup, ...) and e-mail apps.  If it doesn't, - that's a shortcoming of that app.

2. Gmail has some additional integration with Google Drive, but I doubt they have similarly extensive integration with all other cloud-storage solutions (Dropbox,, Amazon Cloud, mega, jumpshare, Yandex Disk, One Drive, pCloud, Mediafire,, Carbonite, etc.
Would you expect Aquamail (or any other e-mail app) to be that universally integrated?


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Re: Attachment from Google Drive
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2017, 10:04:11 pm »
Thank you STR,

you are right - probably Gmail has deeper privileges to use Google Drive then other third party apps.

Actually the solution is to share file manually in Google Drive and copy shared link directly to Aqua Mail.

Anyway - this is the only one inconvenience I´ve found so far but this is not an error, only lack of granted rights.

I´d like to say thank you to all authors of Aqua Mail - that´s the best mail app on the market.

Take care!


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Attachment from Google Drive
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2017, 08:40:19 pm »
Well, this is something we could try to do -- also for Dropbox I suppose -- but yes the potential list is endless: OneDrive, Yandex.Disk, Cloud,, etc....

I'll file this into our task tracker.
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