Samsung Galaxy S3 w/Android 4.4.2, running AquaMail Pro version 1.10.0-403.
I select an email containing photos from my "Sent" directory (if that matters). The three vertical dot menu gives me a choice to "Share". I then select "Drive" from the "Send to .." screen. The "Upload to Drive" screen gives me a proposed document title (the name of the file), my account name (I'm logged in), and a folder name (My Drive). I leave all of these unchange and hit "OK".
I get a brief popup saying "1 file is being prepared for upload" and then another brief popup saying "Your 1 file is being uploaded to: "My Drive" ". I don't know who is producing these popups -- Android or Aqua.
No error message is produced, but if I go to my notifications screen I see "1 File Failed to upload". If I press on that notification, I see the file name with a thumbnail and the text "Incomplete upload".
If I start the Drive app, I see the file name with a thumbnail and the text "Modified HH:MM". No error message.
If I go to my computer and go to Google->Drive with my browser, the files are not there.
I've tried this with multiple files for multiple times. All files fail to upload and produce no error message (except for the notification window if you happen to go to check -- no audible alert).
Is this a 4.4.2 problem, a Google Drive problem, or an Aqua problem? Does Aqua hand this off to an Android service, which asynchronously does it? I guess Aqua can then keep running without waiting for the (possibly very large) file to upload, but then we're at the mercy of the Android error reporting (which seems a bit sparse).
Can someone try this on their phone?