I just realized that there is this somewhat unexpected behavior: If I have a thread where I read the most recent messages, but have some older messages unread, Aquamail shows the thread (when it collapsed) as unread (i.e. with bold font with my [default?] settings).
This was rather confusing. After receiving a bunch of new messages, I was looking at the message list, thinking that the [collapsed] thread had some new messages, but it didn't... And that was happening several times throughout the day.
Kostya, hence a suggestion:
The more intuitive behavior would be if the highlighting/not highlighting a collapsed thread follows the option of "notify for only new or all unread messages". Or (because that correlation might be obscure for an unsuspecting user), if there were a similar option for the threads being highlighted read or not. The logic behind it is similar: If I have an unread message but I've read the top messages, I know that I have some unread messages in it, but I need to be notified only about the new messages in it. And that "unread" looking thread is a "notification" that there is a new message(s) in it.
Alternatively (and this is probably the best solution that would allow avoiding extra options), maybe there could be some highlighting (in the formatting or an extra symbol/icon next to the collapsed thread) that shows threads (conversations) with new messages.
In anticipation of a suggestion to mark the rest of the messages in the thread as read, I'd say it is not helpful. There are several situations where I am monitoring the most recent messages in a large recent thread to see if I need to react to something quickly, but I have not read a bunch of (earlier) messages (with more detailed descriptions of the earlier details) that I need to read later tonight or this week to understand all the details. So, I need to know which messages I haven't read, otherwise it would be counterproductive.