Well, take what's happening to me in this case.
95 to 99% of emails I write are directed to contacts that are already saved to my contacts (and synced to my phone through Aquamail) or in a temporary list of frequent contacts (also a nice Aquamail feature).
Therefore, it makes little sense to me to keep the "Autocomplete contacts" feature active since it gets in my way when typing out contact names like I originally described in this thread.
But every once in a while, I DO need to contact someone that is neither in my saved contacts or in my temporary frequently contacted people.
When I DO need the email from the Global Address List, I need to go to the Aquamail account list panel, long click the account, go to option, enable Autocomplete, start typing the name of the desired contact, send email.
What I propose, is to add a way to manually search and select individual contacts from within the Aquamail application.
I was thinking of maybe including an additional tab in the pop up window that's generated by "Add contact icon".

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