Author Topic: [request] in-phone contacts first, then historic contacts, finally everyone else  (Read 10222 times)


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I hadn't this "issue" in previous versions;

When I'm composing an email from either of my Exchange accounts and I start typing the names of the contacts in To: and cc:, Aquamail starts searching EVERYONE on my servers who's name matches what I've written so far.

It gets bothersome when the list of contacts keeps growing as the new contacts gets updated alphabetically and re-sorted just as I'm just about to touch the screen.

I now have to write the full name and last name, or scroll down to who I wanted, past contacts I've never ever contacted before.

I would love it if Aquamail's autocomplete would put first contacts that are stored in my phone, then contacts not on my phone but have been corresponded to in the last week or so, and finally EVERYONE else.

Alternatively, you could limit the auto search function.

I'm looking in Settings > Contacts
but I don't find about the auto search features.


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Kostya Vasilyev

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Would turning off auto-complete from the server work for you?

Just not clear if maybe you don't need those server (GAL) contacts at all?

There is a way to do that:

- Long press on the account -> Exchange options -> turn off "autocomplete from server".
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Thanks, I wasn't aware of this. Or rather, I didn't fully understand what I activated.

I'd like to keep my request. I think it makes the most sense, specially on a mobile screen to have most used contacts listed first.

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I'd like to keep my request. I think it makes the most sense, specially on a mobile screen to have most used contacts listed first.
I am assuming you are talking about this one:
I would love it if Aquamail's autocomplete would put first contacts that are stored in my phone, then contacts not on my phone but have been corresponded to in the last week or so, and finally EVERYONE else.

For some Exchange users, there is a different logic: Since it is a business-related account, and since the server directory already exists, they don't save any work-related contacts to the phone "Contacts". (No need to duplicate, plus the Exchange directory gets updated if contacts change.)
Besides, that "realm" of addresses gets separated from other accounts, where those contacts are not needed.
And in case when there is more than one Exchange account (for different parts of work, or for different places of work), only the corresponding Exchange directory is queried (I assume and hope that it works this way in Aquamail).

I am not using Exchange myself, but I see how some of my colleagues are using it, so, I see how this happens. And I would be concerned about how it works in Aquamail, as I might have to start using Exchange in the near future.

So, my suggestion would be not to change that order, or at least to have an option to keep it as it is now.


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Unless anyone minds, I'd like to re-purpose this thread only slightly.

For a bit of context, one of the main features I LOVE about Aquamail is how I can get access to my corporate email and calendar without forcing my Android device to the server's security policies. I don't need to add a 4 digit password or swipe pattern. Yes, it's insecure, but that's how I like it.

What I realized recently, is that although Aquamail saves all of the contacts from my corporate account into my devices local memory, my device's default contact app cannot search my corporate global email address.

So far, the only way I have found to search for work contacts in the global address list, is by activating the feature we were discussing originally in this thread: by activating the "Autocomplete from server" option.

After such a long preamble, my request is as follows;

I was wondering if there could be a way to search for corporate contacts in the global address list in a way that doesn't force us to enable the Autocomplete feature.

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I was wondering if there could be a way to search for corporate contacts in the global address list in a way that doesn't force us to enable the Autocomplete feature.

I don't use Exchange, but my guess would be "no".
If I understand correctly, "Autocomplete from server" is essentially and option to "search for the addresses in the server directory".

But why would you want to have a different search? And how do you envision it?
In my view, "autocomplete" is no different from a search; it's a search that starts without the need to press "enter".
Are you just trying to use Aquamail as a front-end for the corporate directory, - to search for the contacts without sending them an e-mail?


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Well, take what's happening to me in this case.
95 to 99% of emails I write are directed to contacts that are already saved to my contacts (and synced to my phone through Aquamail) or in a temporary list of frequent contacts (also a nice Aquamail feature).

Therefore, it makes little sense to me to keep the "Autocomplete contacts" feature active since it gets in my way when typing out contact names like I originally described in this thread.

But every once in a while, I DO need to contact someone that is neither in my saved contacts or in my temporary frequently contacted people.

When I DO need the email from the Global Address List, I need to go to the Aquamail account list panel, long click the account, go to option, enable Autocomplete, start typing the name of the desired contact, send email.

What I propose, is to add a way to manually search and select individual contacts from within the Aquamail application.

I was thinking of maybe including an additional tab in the pop up window that's generated by "Add contact icon".

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Slight image edit on the go.
I'm on my phone in a meeting. Can't really get worse production values that this.

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Or maybe the "autocomplete from server" needs to be split in two --

1 - In the auto-complete drop-down right on the compose screen

2 - In the app's own contact picker

Or maybe (2) should always be ON? Or will it "get in the way" for someone else?
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Or maybe the "autocomplete from server" needs to be split in two --

1 - In the auto-complete drop-down right on the compose screen

2 - In the app's own contact picker

Or maybe (2) should always be ON? Or will it "get in the way" for someone else?

Sorry for refloating but THIS is the solution.


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Sorry for refloating but THIS is the solution.
You're a little late to the party. This post is not quite two years old. Kostya has left the project. MobiSystems is now running (ruining?) the show. Very few -new- features are being added. Let alone requests from the way-back machine.